
  1. UpstateGarden

    In hydro

    What happens if the roots outgrow the net pot?
  2. UpstateGarden

    400GPH/30L Aerocloner

    Here’s my creation. 12 nozzles, 15 clone sites. Appears to function well
  3. JmanJtight

    Cloner DIY 200 plants

    hopefully finish in the wee hours tonight
  4. muleface

    High Pressure Aeroponics - Pump Design/mister layout/misters...

    I haven't really found a lot of information on this subject. The basic premise I have gotten is as follows... - 80-100 PSI pump - around a 40 micron droplet from some kind of misters - run pump from 5 seconds to 2 minutes every 4 to 15 minutes - Pre-Pressurize Accumulator Tank -...