
  1. M

    Strange thing happened when I topped my plant

    So I topped my plant early, to be clear I cut it well below what would have been fimming. Now the two shoots on the side are growing out as expected. But the stalk that I topped is also growing two symmetrical shoots. Now I have 4 mains it appears, I am not complaining but is this normal? Will...
  2. Gr8ness

    Can I plant two different strains in the same planter?

    Hey guys, I planted one strain (Pineapple Chunk) on Sept. 5th & another (unknown) strain on Sept. 30th. The unknown strain was a seed given to me by a friend, so I thought I'd just see if it would sprout, and sure enough it did. I've included a picture. As you can see, they both seem to be...