
  1. F


    This mushroom was growing next to my plants while the light was off when it turned on the mushroom was gone. Anybody seed this before?
  2. mycodotca

    Special discount code for Rollitup Members - About mushroom kits

    Here is a special discount code for Rollitup Members to use at Use code: ROLLITUP during checkout to get 15% off any order And a recent customer testimonial about the Mini Mushroom Kit available for USA and Canadian shipping.
  3. D

    Magic mushrooms in Detroit area

    Do any kinds of magic mushrooms naturally grow in the Detroit area of Michigan (more specifically Hines park). And what time of year o they grow?
  4. Ogyogi422

    HELP!! Not sure what to do!!

    Not sure what to do I’ve found these growing from my plants they weren’t there 2 days ago when I watered. Is this a bad or good thing ? And what should I do. Auto flower plants so I can to correct before it causes a problem if any! Thanks.
  5. farmerfischer

    experimental mushroom substrate grows

    I'm new to mycoligy ( growing shrooms)so I haven't had much experience in mushroom substrates other then using proven tek and subs, so I've read a lot on the subject and watched what videos that are on YouTube but no one really ventures away from brf or composts ... so I'm making this...
  6. cannetix Inc

    Marijuana, Mushrooms, and More!

    I'm an avid amateur photographer specializing in close-up and macro photography of fungi and plants, including the good stuff, of course :bigjoint: This thread is just going to be an ongoing collection of some photographs I have taken over the years and will continue to take. All photos are...
  7. S

    can anyone ID these mushrooms my friend ate

    My friend ate mushrooms yesterday and said he had a horrible experience. His vision went black and he felt like fainting. Then heard rushing in his ears and pressure in his head. He drank water and was able to calm down. It has been 24 hrs since he ate them. He consumed two chocolates with had a...
  8. totinospizzarolls

    Mushrooms not pinning?

    So i've already birthed my cakes that were fully colonized and put them in a grow chamber. That was about 2 weeks ago. The temperature in my room ranges from 70-75, but when it's chilly I put my heating pad below the tub to warm it up. I've also been allowing for fresh air exchange and have kept...
  9. Tstat

    Harvesting and Drying Shrooms

    OK, so I had the huge shroom break off the the cake and I have it drying in front of a fan. Here it after drying for a few days: Here is a shot of my tub: As you can see, that cake on the left has gone nuts. Even the B+ cakes are going strong now that I am misting them every day: So...
  10. Tstat

    Bud grower / Shroom newbie.. Help!

    Im a grower by nature. Been growing hydro buds since the 80s. I'm a Deadhead and recently (last 5 years) tried shrooms again and love them. I also would like to help an addict with shrooms like I help patients who need MMJ relief. Anyway, I read a lot at Shroomery, but it's over my head and you...
  11. miketaco

    my first grow complete journal & broke mushy grow how to

    so the journey begins with a big welcome to i have had great success with them let the pics show for themselves BIG NOTE: i did these with the smallest mason jars possible and with just a pot and lid & kitchen stove and lysol spray..and any size pot with lid will do...
  12. BowHunter666

    Looking for absolute beginner PF-Tek

    Would like to dip my toes in growing mushrooms out here on the homestead, mostly after edibles for food and trade. Any beginner PF-tek links out there? Looking for substrate recipes and guides trying to do my homework. Thank you for all the help. BH
  13. S

    Are these OK to eat

    Are these OK to eat and I've never done shrooms and I would like to know before I digest.:peace:
  14. Z

    Mushrooms syringe delivery to China

    英语 I have a syringe can be transported to China in China , which is already syringe seed yet mushroom
  15. OneToyStory

    Wild mushroom identification wanted

    I liked ve in New England. I keep finding both these types of mushrooms in clusters under shrubs, growing out from the bark mulch. Can anyone help me identify them?
  16. S

    mushroom spore vendors

    Im trying to decide witch spore vendor to order from and its very hard to find up to date reviews. seems great years ago and but some more recent reviews are not. I would like a vendor thats USA based were the spores do not have to go threw customs as I live...
  17. Zac Magee

    Magic Mushroom Spore prints?

    Hey Everyone :) I have a question for you all out there, i want to start growing mushrooms the tripy kind of course ;) and I'm just wondering if anyone on here has ever bought spore prints? if so where from? is it hard getting them shipped? or do i just have to wait until i can pick them and...
  18. M

    Are these mycellium trays contaminated???

    Hi there. First time posting to this site. My friend Never needed help with mushrooms, but he's hit a confusing bump in the road. In this picture, this 50/50 coir and verm substrate is completely colonized and even fruiting very well. However slowly the mycellium has started to change to an...
  19. P

    Ralphsters spores

    Hi. First time poster here. I have been talking to ralph on ralphsters spores and he said he will ship to california if blahblahblah. I was thinking hey what a nice guy this ralph is. Then i start looking on forms and people are saying they love ralph or that ralph ripped them off. One person...
  20. cap master

