
  1. F

    Crazy looking mutation

    Hey guys I have a weird bumpy looking mutation starting on one of my thc bomb plants. See pic... Aeroponic Plant is 4 weeks old Ph is 5.8-5.9 Day temp 21-23c or 72-76f Night temps 18-19c or 66-68f Canopy temp is 20c or 70f Rootzone/water temp 17-19c or 64-68f Humidity 40-50% Great white...
  2. TheBadKid

    Some cool mutations I'm getting this round

    Hey everyone, I wanted to share some cool mutations I have on some plants this round with you guys, and maybe get some input as to whether these might just be genetics or caused by environmental factors. They're not causing me any problems, the girls are doing amazing, but it's interesting to...