
  1. Weouthere

    Should I Transplant?

    Hey guys!! This is my first grow and I need some advice I have this small plant, about a 16” tall. Growing outdoors from clone in early August. Started flowering (showing pistils) on the 23rd. Ffof in 1 or 2 gal pot Water with tap water although it’s been raining so I haven’t needed to recently...
  2. fcchief

    Take indoors or not?

    I have a Blue Dream clone that has been growing soley outside since July, it is in 2nd week of flowering. With temps going into mid 40's-Mid 50's at night and low to mid 60's during the day, and sporadic rain, wondering if I should bring her into the tent, since she has several weeks yet before...
  3. Dmannn

    Dmannn's legal NCA Rec. Grow

    Hey y'all. As you all know CA legalized recreational pot about 8 months ago and now A LOT of people and employers have come out of the shadows. I went all organic as i have in the past but decided to go with partial cover(hoop house). I picked up the seed stock from Northern CA/Santa Cruz. Some...
  4. Humanrob

    NW (US) outdoor pheno suggestions, experience, etc. (from clones)

    I'm wondering what strains you all have run and had solid success with in terms of relatively early finish, mold/mildew resistance, etc. Obviously we need to take a lot of precautions with any NW outdoor grow, but some strains just seem to pull through better than others. My patient prefers...