
  1. G

    Advice From OG's Needed. Outdoor Grow South Europe

    Hey Rollitup community! I live in southern europe and am growing some blue cheese and tangerine dream, both barneys farm. I have 3 of each strain and they are about 1 month old now from first planting after a a few days of the damp towel germination method. it's been still a bit colder than...
  2. P

    Marijuana plant damage

    One of my stems had bent. Left it for a week and now I am seeing discolouration. Just curious if an experienced Grower would be concerned by this or does it look fine? Thanks for the feedback!!!
  3. H

    Whats strain?

    I know I know almost that it is impossible to tell what kind as there are many and it is difficult due to the crossing But it would be good to know which variety most closely resembles me so that I can expect flowering, etc. Since it can only be hard to guess, but I would love to hear all the...
  4. H

    PLS HELP ME yellow leafs

    Hi, my first grow outdoor 2 weeks ago I noticed that the lower leaves were turning yellow, the top leaves are healthy At first I told myself that this is just the death of old leaves but more and more leaves are yellow.It doesn’t look like a typical nitrogen deficiency but rather something else...
  5. H

    How mutch?

    Tehát az első kísérlet során 20 vetőmagból indítottam, 7ből sikeresen nőtt, de végül 5 növény maradt, amelyek egyike minden bizonnyal növekszik, a másik még nem került bemutatásra. Javítottam a talajt (kültéri) (Közép-Európában) viszonylag jó éghajlattal 60% -os féreghumusz + 40% nitrogén- és...
  6. H

    Please help mee something strange

    Három hetes növényeknél észrevettem, hogy az első levél leesett, mintha el akarna szakadni + az új hajtások szélei barnássá váltak, mintha száradnának The root is okay not brown
  7. E

    need advise on outdoor grow

    anybody have good ideas for a discreet outdoor autoflower grow? Could I just use a green house and not use any artificial lighting. I’m trying to use a 100% sun grow. Any advice helps.
  8. B

    Blue dream outdoors

    Hey, i live in the central Europe and i would like to try growing the blue dream strain outdoors next season. U got some experience or some advice? 50l pot or directly into ground..
  9. B

    Central Europe - outdoor strain growing

    Hey guys, im a complete beginner in growing cann so all my info comes from websites and YT. I would love to try to grow some strain outdoor (mild climate of central Europe, 50l pot or free ground). What do you think is for me the easiest high-yielding plant to grow next year? I dont want...
  10. N


    So im in 5th flowering week of my outdoor lemon hase grow, only two females left one is 2.5m the other 2m, both are healthy and have some good buds growing all around. High humidity high temperaturs a lot of strong sun during the shortening days. The other day i noticed something that looked...
  11. Mr. Harlo

    4th week into 12/12 Flowering

    as title says I am on my fourth week of outdoor grow flowering 12/12. How do things look? Never grew before not doing anything special. Just watering and the occasional SM90.
  12. Mr. Harlo

    4th week into 12/12 Flowering

    as title says I am on my fourth week of outdoor grow flowering 12/12. How do things look? Never grew before not doing anything special. Just watering and the occasional SM90.
  13. Mr. Harlo

    Outdoor grow outta control.

    Hey, New member here. I posted this In the newbie section yesterday but haven't had any replies so I figured I try here. I am going to try to make this short and sweet. I just wanted to cover as many questions that you guys would possibly ask throughout the growth or what not. I started two...