party cup

  1. Dreminen169

    #️⃣Party Cup Challenge (Anything Under 24oz)

    official party challenge with anything under 24oz. Categories include largest yield, most artistic LST, tallest, shortest, etc. I’m going to be running an auto in a Ball Jar, but it doesn’t have to be an auto or in a ball jar just as long as your container is under 24oz:leaf: @Growbag22...
  2. J.James

    12/12 from seed Party Cup Comp - Mystery Meat Grow

    Welcome everyone to the 12/12 from seed party cup competition featuring ** Mystery Meat F1 Seeds ** provided by Kepsters Farm. We will have 15 spots to fill in this competition and plan on starting on or before Feb 1st This thread is intended for information and signup for the competition...
  3. B166ER420

    B166ER's 12/12fs cfl party cup grow

    I haven't been around much lately but i do still check in to see whats going on;). I'm gonna post the pics of my 12/12 from seed grow.Im pretty sure most here know I'm a cfl'er.I always have and am using recycled soils from previous grows that I ammend with bone and blood meals and a little wood...
  4. FrozenChozen

    *-*The 8th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Update Thread*-*

    Pop your beans! The 8th official party cup grow competition starts now. All you had to do to enter was comment in the registration thread. It's that easy! Reg is closed now, so if you didn't make it, there's always the next one! Rules from the 6th and 7th cup comps stand! This will be my second...