
  1. tyler.durden

    Spring Forward. Fall Back. Fuck You.

    When are we gonna quit this stupid tradition? It just causes confusion and an extra thing to fuck up twice a year. I personally don't care for it, I'd rather have my sunshine later than earlier, anyway. What are your thoughts on this useless practice???
  2. Metasynth

    The Backpacking Thread

    Fuck it. This is gonna be a place to discuss backpacking. In all it's dirty, trail trash glory. Feel free to discuss all things backpacking and hiking, at all levels of experience. Planned trips, unplanned trips, past trips, favorite trails, least favorite trails, special spots, secret...
  3. tangerinegreen555

    It's my civic duty to stimulate the economy

    Since I spent my stimulus check on property taxes and paying off my cellphone. I don't know if I should get an expensive 12' HD step ladder or order some Omaha steaks. I'm kind of hungry and leaning towards the steaks. And I'd have some dry ice to play with. Maybe. I'd ask for extra, tell...
  4. cannabineer

    Weed and ‘bating

  5. Magic Mike

    Penile Strangulation

    During the lockdown I thought it would be a great time to add length to my penis so I started swinging weights from it . I use a neck tie lassoed around my penis with ankle weights tied on the end then I stand on the coffee table and start swinging the weights from it like a pendulum...
  6. cannabineer

    (Other than I'm ugly) there is a reason I didn't take up modeling.

    Shit needs its own thread.
  7. cannabineer

    Apparently this is a thing

    (though I see more of a Guild Navigator in that one)
  8. cannabineer


  9. cannabineer

    Season's Beatings

    (to the tune of Holly Jolly Christmas) Have a fighty bitey Christmas It's the best time of the year I don't know where socks will go But have a cup of sneer And when you scan the Toke&Talk Bend the TOS at frenemies you know And new old socks to beat With sheaves of thistletoe Hang out...
  10. tyler.durden

    How to look like your mom...

    Go put on her stuff and check out how you look. You know that mom look - strange, frumpy sweaters, dated makeup application, antique glasses frames, clothes of weird synthetic fabrics, pear shaped body, and of course, the mom jeans - You just may have a mom that defies convention and...
  11. Karah

    Happy birthday srh!

    Happy birthday 8-)
  12. Blue Wizard

    Black Metal Mausoleum

    A thread for Black Metal music. I'm not sure if there are any other black metal fans on the forum but whatever.
  13. cannabineer

    Not phallus clouds

    but just as immature; bring us yours Here is a shitstorm about to happen ... note "cumul-anus" clouds
  14. tyler.durden

    Happy 4th!!!

    The celebration of our Country's independence via loud explosions and sparkly, colorful flashes of light, grilled meats, a the drinking of alcoholic beverages. It's almost 4am here and there is already the occasional explosion going off. I usually venture out to a friend's or family member's...
  15. Karah

    My mom told me there are no stupid questions...

    Alright so I harvested my girls. They smelled like straight gasoline while trimming. Super pungent smell, right. I dried some, jarred it and that’s where it’s at right now. Here’s what I don’t understand. Maybe I missed something. How can my harvest smell so damn good wet but as soon as it...
  16. cannabineer

    Naming neo's New Helper

    This is sIrius bidness, folks. neo, the magnetic Scylla of semi-qualified labor, the Strange Attractor of the strangely repulsive employee, has a new one ... and a live one. For details, fuck it; I dunno. Maybe they'll appear below. I begin with a poll and invite write-in nominations.
  17. cannabineer

    I decided to post this before vostok saw it SpaceX's launch of a Tesla Roadster into deep space may have got 10 out of 10 for style and PR, but it looks as if it got one out of 10 for cleanliness. According to scientists at Purdue University, the electric sports car and its...
  18. charface

    Cover tunes

    Not sure if this has been done here before but I love good cover tunes And would like to see whats out there I may have missed. These guys always do a good job
  19. Indacouch

    The Daily Nugg,

    Hey guys and gals. I decided to start this thread for everyone to share their daily smoke sessions and goof off while stoned. Everyone is welcome to share their daily tokes. I wana see people's rolling abilities/art,glass,nuggs,oil etc etc etc.....basically whatever people are doing that day to...
  20. Karah


    So we (@srh88 and I) met @neosapien yesterday on our way back to Michigan. Suuuupa sweet guy, devilishly handsome. He gave me Chinese cigarettes, which were oddly delightfully delicious. He brought us other awesomeeeee gifts as well and gave us a nug of yumminess. Met his daughter too....gave...