Hi people, I'd like to know about your experience and information sources indications on good companion plants growing with cannabis.
I'm currently growing with Habanero and Bishop's Crown Pepper, but they're still too young... as suposed, a supersoil with adapteble kind of nutrition is...
Happy Monday All,
We have 5 pepper plants that survived the winter indoors (Habanero & Ghost) with no fertilizer feeding just tap water. They are in soil (5 gal fabric). We are at a loss for their recent decline in health status. All of them had a little dark green new growth, but are now...
Hey guys,
Soooo... me n the kids have been growing peppers outside. They wanted to grow something, one of my daughter loves anything hot, and one of my sons loves salsa. So we grew some tomatoes, ghost peppers, cayennes, and jamaican reds... and brussel sprouts, but they got eaten....
Hey guys,
Soooo... me n the kids have been growing peppers outside. They wanted to grow something, one of my daughter loves anything hot, and one of my sons loves salsa. So we grew some tomatoes, ghost peppers, cayennes, and jamaican reds... and brussel sprouts, but they got eaten....
I just finished a project some of you might find interesting, I decided to test out some of the new higher power bead LEDs by making a little lamp for one of my pepper plants. It is starting to freeze and this thing still has flowers on it, so I brought it inside. I am assuming december sunlight...
When I read on hot pepper forums I constantly read about how some recommend using very cold LEDs, like 5000K if not 6000K. I am currently growing with CXB3590s, the "standard" 3500K, 36V, CD bin like most do. (And NO I have not the slightest complaint, my plants and "medical plants" grow like...
This thread is a little early, as I don't have anything in the ground yet. But I am getting prep work done. I look forward to seeing everyone's gardens, so please post your pictures here.
So here is a little of what I have been up to.
I got 5 Jalapeno and 5 Mini Sweet Peppers out of cups and...
I turned off the water to my improvised rain gutter grow system a couple weeks ago and let the pepper and tomato plants die. They have dried out enough for me to get started getting the old soil out of the grow bags.
Since I'm always running low on soil storage {that other garden gets all...
I have 2 raised beds that I will be planting peppers, tomatoes, and herbs in this year.
I took apart an old wooden swing set and used the wood to build the beds. Here's a pic of what they look like.
I'm going to go get some compost and cow manure to till in before I plant.
Little sprouts...