ph high

  1. Saint Skinny

    What's up with my girl? pH? deficiency? Scabies?

    Having some issues with one of my girls. They're in buckets layered with potting soil, peat/compost, and rocks at the bottom of the bucket for drainage. Now I didn't set these up (I recommend against partnering up btw) and I wasn't impressed with the way they were set up, especially since theres...
  2. randybishop

    NORTHERN LIGHTS Hydro grow: PH Out of Control...Tried Everything...HELP!

    NORTHERN LIGHTS DWC Hydro grow The PH keeps going up and I keep using PH down.....and it goes up again to 7.5! Everyday, twice a day it goes up to 7.5 PH after I dose it with PH down. She has stayed 5" inches tall for a month, not growing. :( - Changed the water several times - PPM is 450 -...

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    My ph meter showed a very low ph 4 days ago, I just add buster to raise it, but I didnt see a big change, so I put more and more ph up, next day I found out my meter was malfuntioning and it was giving me the wrong lecture and I have raised the ph when was not need for it, as a result my plants...

    Stressed plants and stressed grower.

    3 days ago I found the ph in my mix nutrients solution was low more than usual, a day before I did a foliar to my 12 plants with a formula to clean the white powder mildew in some leaves at the botton, I thought the low ph was because some drain in the buckets and finally to my reservoir...but...