So I’ve been trying to test my soil ph and it’s driving me insane. I have a cheap soil probe that doesn’t really work. I stab it into the soil, it flickers like 7.4 or 7.8, then flips back to 7.0.
I even just pulled some soil out, added distilled water, and tried it. Didn’t even read.. just...
So I'm running a 4 site rdwc with a submersible water pump running waterfalls to each site from the res. I have 3 different cheap ph pens (not ready to bite the bullet on an expensive one yet). When I try to test my ph in my res I get errors and misreadings, however if I drop that same meter...
I had been using a liquid pH test kit for years and finally decided to splurge on a pH pen. It is definitely more convenient than the drops and I am glad that I did it. I do have one question about the pH pen, though, and I am hoping that some of you with more experience can help me out...