
  1. Armyofsprout

    Zerotol HC results? WPM battle

    Hey guys. I had a WPM outbreak In my tents and am currently using Zerotol as a direct spray to try and save my harvest. There isn’t a lot of zerotol talk on here or anywhere relating to cannabis. And I’m aware that it’s basically a hydrogen peroxide mixture. my question is has anyone else used...
  2. K

    Need diagnosis

    so I received some duckfoot clones(a strain I've been seeking for awhile) and finally acquired some. However, after a few days I started to notice small white spots on the leaves. I believe this to be powdery mildew but I have not seen any change in the amount of said dots. I have been treating...
  3. slyone

    Powdery Mildew - A Cheap Cure

    Milk is a useful fungicide in the garden, and is more effective than standard chemical brands. Researchers believe the potassium phosphate in milk boosts a plant's immune system to fight the fungi. Where most organic gardeners use a baking soda, soap and oil solution, milk may be substituted...