premature bud

  1. K

    Are my clones flowering?

    I got these 4 clones 2 weeks ago and have been keeping them outside with supplimental light 16-8. I'm not sure how strong the grow light is but it seemed to be working. Well I brought them outside this morning and 2 of them have started to white pistils. I hope this doesn't actually mean they...
  2. OldAK-MTF907

    30 DAY EVICTION NOTICE! What would YOU do?!

    Hey people, I am NEEDING some solid advice here & ASAP! I will spare the details but tell you the ONLY semi-justified excuse/"reason" our landlord-slumlord has to evict us is (Some info. I removed for anonymity) & it seems now, near the end our lease they decided to take the cheap, cowards way...