prohibition 2.0

  1. Egzoset

    SQdC's CBD, so faint it practically turned into a placebo - while Radio-Canada's title mocks ALL CBD...

    [ https:// ] Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits? – L'épicerie (2021-Oct-21) Do CBD edibles have real benefits? ... Now guess who's behind each SQdC clerk formation (stated @ 2:19 precisely...): « Le docteur Didier Jutras-Aswad...
  2. Egzoset

    Here's your chance to get filthy rich with Québec's SQdC money!

    [ https:// ] Initiative québécoise de recherche sur le cannabis et la santé - Jusqu'à 10 M$ pour financer des activités de recherche et développer l'expertise d'ici QUÉBEC, le 7 oct. 2021 /CNW Telbec/ - Le ministre délégué à la Santé et aux...
  3. Egzoset

    The "science" of Trudeau: do you recognize this man??

    Salutations, Here's information which one could wish had been publicly known once exposed via this article's associated video: [ https:// ] [ http://...
  4. Egzoset

    United Nations international day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking

    Salutations, Although it's much too late to get pro-active here it comes anyway: [ http:// ] A global advocacy campaign calling for drug policies based on HEALTH and HUMAN RIGHTS... Also: [ https://...
  5. GroErr

    Alberta announces framework for Provincial legalization (rec) policies

    Didn't see this posted, just flashed across my newsfeed about an hour ago. Highlights: 18 and over 30g limits (same as federal) 4x plants with 1 metre height restrictions NO OUTDOOR Controlled...