
  1. Millsie

    Aerocloners - Turboklone problems

    Looking to dial in the use of old school Turboklone aeroponic cloners Currently having a few problems ranging to, yellow leaves, Pythium and having no roots but plenty of calluses See attached for photos of roots and yellowing leaves :( Beginning stages: Cuttings dipped in purple clonex then...
  2. TrialbyError

    To Flower or not to flower... Yet

    Hello Brothers and Sistas, SO i am currently on my first hydro grow using 5 gal buckets, lots of air, flora 3 part, and a healthy amount of h2o2 after an early run in with pythium that i have managed to keep down (even though after my pump once sopped for 4 hours it was quickly back so I know...
  3. Demask

    Root rot question

    Alright so the more I look into this stuff the less sure I am that I can handle this problem w/o it eventually killing my plants. Recently I experienced a bit of root rot in my hydro and wanted to treat it as quickly as I could, So I treated the roots and the air stones in a peroxide bath of...
  4. Keesje

    Root rot and temperature

    There are always discussions going on about root rot and low/high temperatures. Some people are convinced that you have to keep the temperature of your reservoir below a certain point. For example below 20°C / 68°F. Otherwise your roots will get all messy, brown, stinky. I did some research...
  5. N

    Please help - possible root rot or pythium

    Hi I'm new to the site, I just completed my first run without any major issues and had good results. Now in my second run with a different strain they were doing even better for first 4 weeks or so but now I am having a particularly difficult issue to resolve and am looking for help. Plant just...
  6. motoracer110

    Curing Bad Bacteria In Resevior What Worked For Me

    I've Been growing a number of years in hydro and for some reason growing in this house I have had crazy bad bacteria blooms in my Resevior. If you are in the same situation or have had the same situation in the past you know how crazy frustrating bacteria can be. I'm currently using a flo n gro...
  7. T

    Please help - first time grower experiencing root rot each time DWC reservoir is changed

    Hi all, I apologize in advance for the extremely lengthy post. And I did scour all forums (this and others), books, etc. as much as humanly possible before creating this post. I don't want to be one of those lazy people just asking questions when the answers can easily be found. I'm a first...
  8. J

    Highly oxygenated RDWC nutrient solution - why not prevent fungal infestations

    Root-parasitic fungi: How to control Pythium in hydroponics? By Noucetta Kehdi A dynamic, well-designed growing system, a clean, highly oxygenated water, a well-drained substrate, good ventilation, and the right temperature and humidity levels, are the main ingredients to success when growing...