red dragon feminised seeds

  1. George Seeds

    Love Barneys Farm? Then your going to love this promo!

    What Prizes Are Up For Grabs? The Vault has teamed up with our good buds over at Barneys Farm to bring you an amazing assortment of prizes. With FIVE methods to enter, you'll have up to FIVE different chances to bag a 5 pack of awesome seeds: Or you could pick and choose which entry methods to...
  2. TrailBlazer12747

    First indoor grow, advice welcome

    Starting this for my personal records. I will start and finish this journal. God willing. I'm sure I will need help so ALL advice is appreciated. I'm on a tight budget. But I've already spent a boatload to get this started so I'm banking on a good end product. 3 Northern Lights 1 special queen...