
  1. ChiefRunningPhist

    Eliminate 2nd Driver w/ a Relay???

    So I have 2 areas, 12ft2 & 8ft2. I want to run em the cheapest way possible, while maintaining at least 160+ lm/w efficacy. Thinking... [8] Getian 2828 @37.5w ~170 lm/w [11] Getian 2828 @41.0w ~160 lm/w [1] 480h-36a To the point of the thread, has anyone used a relay, timer, resistor circuit...
  2. xX_BHMC_Xx

    Parallel Wiring, Current Mirrors, Resistors, and Fuses

    Hello All, This is my first post here and I have an interesting question for you all: I have seen a lot of static on the web about parallel wiring and current mirrors and resistors, but not much useful information. I know there are many different opinions about parallel wiring in our...
  3. Fauxton

    Running LED's of Differing Voltage on a Single Power Supply

    After multiple searches on RIU and the web, I need to call upon your help since I can't find answers. How do I run LED's of differing voltage on a single power supply? I understand that I need to add LED voltages in series together to calculate the voltage needed from a power supply. Do I do...