
  1. J

    To transplant or not to transplant? & More roots= more uptake= more yeild?

    Got some ladies in 3 gals. First time using fabric pots and the roots made a huge jump I wasn’t expecting. I’m seeing thin 1- 2” long roots out the bottom and I was planning to flip them into flower now. Would it make a noticeable difference in yield if I transplant them into 5 gals? Or would...
  2. E

    Is this seedling r.i.p?

    Is this seedling dead? It’s been like that almost 2 days, the stem is black too. Does it need to be tossed
  3. 420mlet

    Clones not rooting with aeroponic

    Hey lads Im having real hard time doing clones just got my self x-strwam aeroponic and Im finding hard to do clones as I tryed with just water and loaded not much coning out, its been a week but no roots, Should I use just normal water 6,0ph or should I add any of these as Clonex Formulex...
  4. 420mlet

    Clones with aeroponic machine water formule

    Hey lads Im having real hard time doing clones just got my self x-stream aeroponic and Im finding hard to do clone as I tryed with just water and loaded with nute but no roots, Should I use just normal water 6,0ph or should I add any of these as Clonex Formulex Biobizz roots Canna Ryzhotonic ...
  5. Rubisco456

    Callus Formation in Clones

    Straight up: What is your opinion on the importance and the role that callus formation plays in the cloning process? Do you use callus formation as an indicator of successful clones? Do you care about callus formation? Do you induce its formation? I’ve been doing a lot of research on plant...
  6. D

    Zero root growth in 2 weeks.

    I transplanted a few smaller plants from coco to dwc, they recovered from the transplant and don't look too bad now, well 3 don't look too bad, 2 look like crap, but there is zero new root growth on the ones that have recover and look OK, like nothing, do I just have to wait longer or something...
  7. FPVGrow

    Root Disease???

    Can anyone tell me if this is healthy or what it looks like and how to cure it if it’s isn’t healthy? Running a Hydro setup with air filters in bucket. Have the roots hanging about 4-5 inches above water level when net pot is closed. How does the top portion of the roots look to you all. I...
  8. K

    Trichoderma source

    Would capturing and using the green trichoderma found growing on onion roots from the supermarket be a free source of trichoderma? Take some and scrape it into a compost tea fror example. Or is this a horrible idea? Could it backfire and harm the plants? Like if its the wrong species of...
  9. giantcola

    PERFECT Res Temp without approximation?

    Hey Growers! I wanted to ask a simple question trying to figure out what the perfect temperature for water in hydro would be, within maybe 2 F. (I got a new tool that allows me to regulate it without approximation) Let's say i have a DWC - RDWC system, i use h202 to sterilize the water and...
  10. Mattossz

    GREAT WHITE MYCO generates a transparent slime?

    Hi, I started using great white myco in dwc, I used 1gr in 5lt of distilled water. In just 1 day a kind of transparent slime was formed on the roots. Is this normal with said product?
  11. Gtjoker420

    Soil grown runoff smells bad and strong ec

    So I put some clones in some roots 707 soil with EWC the other day. I watered till some runoff came off today, The runoff smells pretty bad and the ph was around 7.5 the ec got super high and made my meter just say OH. Not sure what I should do to fix this issue. I really don't wanna lose these...
  12. kevdogerino

    24 days and still no roots

    I first started this white widow autoflower off 24 days ago. it sprouted fast and was on track the first week. At the first sign of a root coming out the bottom of the rockwool I transferred it to the netpot with about an inch of pebbles under it. Ever since it has been growing very slowly with...
  13. PersonaBotanica

    Is this something to worry about?

    Lifted my pot up, and the riser came with it. When I looked closer, this is what I found: Guess I should up the watering a bit. At least the roots look nice and healthy!
  14. L

    Aeroponics: problem with clones

    Dear fellow growers, we just received our new batch of CBD clones and this doesn't look well. Due to stress of the plants and some mistakes clones doesn't grow as they should. As for the current conditions we have: Light - LED lamps around 100W Water temp aeroponics - 14 degrees Temp on...
  15. VincenzioVonHook

    Roots growing out bottom of 15l pot after 18 days?

    Hi guys, just looking at my plant. It's 18 days old, and looking great. Just a quick question though. Should roots be popping out the bottom after 18 days? It's in a 350x300 pot, which should be around 4-5 gallons, and I figured that would be plenty for a small auto plant. I figured the...
  16. rymander


    Hey Guys - I have a couple most like super basic questions that the pro's probably know but seem weird to me. 1. DWC FAKE ROOT ROT- the nutes and aditives are often darker in color and the roots will turn the color of the nute mix! So if I mix up my typical 2-2.5 gallon nute mix w a bit of...
  17. ddeck96

    Bucket for rdwc problem

    So I ordered these buckets (5.3 gallon black rectangular buckets) with snap on lids. They look great, but the only problem is once you get the lid to snap on, it’s sooo hard to get off (for me at least, I lost my left hand in a car accident so I’m working one handed lol) I’m worried that if I...
  18. Metro_Detroit

    Looking to bulk up my roots

    I run the general hydroponics flora line and mammoth P in a 24 plant 5-gallon bucket flood and drain system with a 200-gallon reservoir that I change around every 2 weeks. This plant Vegged for about a month and a half and is nearing 2 months in flower. My water temp was 63F the whole veg but...
  19. Ballzmageetree

    Fan blowing into fabric pot roots

    Hey has anybody put a fan blowing into fabric pot roots everything says the roots need oxygen so would a small fan blowing into to pot roots give it extra oxygen
  20. Armyofsprout

    Cloth pots vs hard pots

    Does anyone notice a difference when using hard pots vs cloth pots? I’ve been using only cloth pots for the last few grows But I need to transplant an overly vegging plant from a 5 gallon to something bigger. So I went and bought a huge plastic pot and transplanted. I noticed that the root...