
  1. K

    Pruning and growth question

    Hey, So I’m just wondering if and how long it takes for a shoot to grow back once you’ve cut it off. Say I snipped the shoots from the 10th node on the plant, how long would it take for these to start growing again? Would they at all? thanks in advance
  2. M

    Strange thing happened when I topped my plant

    So I topped my plant early, to be clear I cut it well below what would have been fimming. Now the two shoots on the side are growing out as expected. But the stalk that I topped is also growing two symmetrical shoots. Now I have 4 mains it appears, I am not complaining but is this normal? Will...
  3. J

    Slight yellowing of new top shoot growth

    Hello, first time grower. Is this normal? Plant has been slightly yellow tipped on new growth shoots for 10 days. 8 weeks into veg. Water every 3 days, alternate 1/2 strength nutes. Outdoor 6 gallon pot grow in Quality Universal soil with 5%Spaghma Peat and Perlite. Plenty of direct sunshine...