
  1. S

    when to top side branches FIRST TIME GROWING

    hey guys i have topped all 3 of my plants and they seem to be doing well and recovering and growing. but when can i top the side branches???? i want to make them bushy and get great yields. i’m not sure what extractly i’m looking for but they seem some what ready?? please let me know how many to...
  2. Show_OFF

    Side Topping

    Good day, everyone Straight to the point. I've learned how to top a plant (you just cut off a tip of an uppermost shoot so it doubles into two new shoots). However, do people cut off a tip of side stems? I mean all those stems that grow below an uppermost stem. My question is pointed to...
  3. T.C. Bosby

    LED Side Lighting

    Any thoughts or recommendations on what could make for good LED side lighting in a 5x5 grow tent? These caught my eyes, but I'm also easily lured in by pretty colors. Any feedback or opinions are welcome!
  4. T.C. Bosby

    T5 For Side Lighting?

    I'm currently growing in a 3'x3'x7'11" tent. My primary light is a 315W CMH. I plan on growing them as wide and tall as possible to maximize my space. I recall reading that with some lights, such as mine, it only penetrates the top 3 feet of the canopy, with the rest of the plant going to waste...