small led grow

  1. kook420

    suggestionss on a kind of small grow setup?

    if anyone is out there.. i have a question and in need of advice!!! soooo i have a mr grow pro stealth box that i just pulled out of storage got my seedlings in there now under the 3,15 watt each led light strips. im thinking of gutting the led strips building a bigger grow cabinet with lots...
  2. robincnn

    Mini Gorilla Tent Grow Club

    Feel free to post your grow pics if you have managed to secure the rare Mini Gorilla Tent. What is Mini Gorilla Tent ? This tent is 1X1 so 1 sqft and the height is 2 ft. I have not seen them on sale and these are usually store demo tents. Totally portable and you can carry your grow with you on...