I lived the middle third of my life living as an itinerant agricultural labourer, in that time I worked in many different farming environments from pullin spuds up with me bare hands to working as sole forester to 60 acres of ancient english woodlands.
In this diverse decade and a half I lived...
A bit over a year ago, I set out to transfer sustainable outdoor gardening practices into my first grow closet. The journey bumped me into the Soil Food Web, which in turn reminded me of the concepts Herwig Pommeresche applies in his cycle-of-living-matter way of gardening. Applying both to my...
So I made myself some CalPhos:
And sitting looking at my plant began asking myself, para que?!
it's a
Pineapple express (fast buds) day 50 (~2 weeks to go)
9 colas, LST only
3rd generation notill topdressed with compost/eggshell/neem & 4cm quartz sand
2x AACT (bacterial dominant &...
There's the link its pretty long but I enjoy her presentation of subjects, I found myself practicly breathing in the knowledge, I fucking love this shit. Anyway watch it tell me what you think.