
  1. K

    More pistils on my buds than leaves?

    So this is my first attempt at growing. I have a plant that has a long stock and the buds are way at the top. The buds look big and fluffy but they are mostly pistils. Some of my pistils have already browned and started to curl. Is there something I could be doing wrong that is causing my bugs...
  2. Lilvacationland

    Stock Market Cannabis and what to know.

    Please reach out to me! I'm in Maine and extremely interested in the stock market and how marijuana will go up and down. The stock market always interested just like cannabis. Though it is not a natural anomaly like pot yet it is very intriguing. If you have any super knowledge please let me...
  3. XuOut

    What's Wrong with this Picture?

    My rant. I submitted this photo to a well known stock photo site as a medical marijuana photo. They denied the submission. Can you guess why?