
  1. Nuggz88

    Golden Goat STS Reversal Too Late?

    Hello all, I started this grow with intentions to make fem seeds with a reversed Golden Goat (using STS). I'm now at day 25 of flower, and realized later that I should've started flowering my reversal female a week or two prior to starting flower for the pollen-receiving females. Am I too late...
  2. 4

    Producing seeds from one Feminized Autoflower

    I'm going to plant a feminized autoflower seed bought from dutch-passion and I would like to get seeds out of it. My goal is to produce pollen from one branch and to pollinate the other branches' flowers with it to produce seeds As I've understood, I either need to spray STS, Colloidal Silver...
  3. TheManicOrganicDK

    Revegging for STS / seeds

    It recently came to my attention that Humboldt Seed Organization is closed for business, maybe even for good. As i do like their Dedoverde Haze, i decided to try a revegging to do some STS later. I have 3 DH in bloom and went for defoliation on day 19 in bloom and noticed the lower branches...
  4. D

    Silver thiosulfate single branch experiment outdoors

    Cultivars I'll be using are gorilla bubble [(GG4 x (GG4 x Sour Bubble F2)) x (GG4 x (GG4 x Sour Bubble F2))] by tony greens tortured beans and Strawberry Banana [Banana Kush x Bubble Gum ,Strawberry pheno] by reserva pravada. The directions I followed are : Prepare: .1 Grams silver nitrate .5...
  5. D

    Silver thiosulfate single branch

    I'm getting mixed reports about reversing single branches on a female if I only spray sts on one branch will it effect the bud production on branches not sprayed I have a good strawberry banana (bubblegum "strawberry pheno"x banana kush by reserva pravada and a gorilla bubble BX1F1 (gorilla glue...
  6. charface

    Sts questions re: single plant

    With sts, Can I use one plant only if I want? Like this. Either spray half the plant so it will turn and pollinate the other half? As in, spray the top half. I also heard the change is temporary So worse case couldn't I just reverse it, collect pollen then let it revert to female and...