tap root

  1. B

    root has germinated and is tangled

    im not sure if this is the direct into soil or the already germinated tap root put into soil but the the root of the seed seems to be tangled and white will this be okay?
  2. C

    Why is my taproot turning brown at the beginning?!

  3. potpimp

    Germed: 4" tap roots in 4 days.

    Four days ago (almost to the hour) I put 3 World of Seeds Colombian Gold, landrace seeds, in a paper towel moistened with distilled water. I put the towel in a zip lock bag, blew in a little air, and tucked it into a storage can and put it on top of the fridge. I was not expecting to see 4"...
  4. E

    Tap roots growing on surface of medium. 5 weeks old.

    So I’m growing in coco+perlite 70:30 in 2.5 gallon fabric pots, I usually stick my finger couple of inches into the coco at the edge of the pots to see whether the coco has dried up and needs watering. However without realizing, I noticed white tap roots right on the surface of the coco after I...
  5. CBDiva

    Two Tap Roots

    Morning all, cbdiva here (: Got a strange one, and having done a little research I'm struggling to find a decent solution. Germinated a blue cheese auto in paper towel in Friday and Saturday she came out with two tap roots. I've planted her in Promix soil and she come through with two fairly...
  6. Kevinpi

    Tap root help!!

    Ok so this is the deal, I had two plants that were still in pots in my yard and two in the ground all doing amazing but I was worried about the two in the pots, first because of root limitations and growth and second theft , so today I transplanted the last two into the ground, when removing...
  7. john wishmyer

    tap root on germd seed tip snap

    so as the titles says, i was puttin my freshly germ’d seeds tap root into its new little home, lone and behold the tap root made contact with the wall of its hole and i guess it was so sensitive that about the size of lead on a pencil was cracked at the tip. Will this effect the seed in anyway...
  8. G

    Does topping your plant cause the taproot to stop growing?

    I've heard from a couple of different sources that when you top your plant it causes the taproot to stop growing (and the only roots that continue to grow are the rootlets coming from the taproot). Can anybody either confirm or refute this? I've only recently heard this and it's putting doubt in...
  9. fruits of labor

    partially dried tap root..will seed survive??

    Ok so i germed a seed paper towel method...planted the seed in growing medium two days ago..this morning i look and i can see the root loop above soil..like its trying to poke its head out...upon closer inspection i noticed it was a little thin..so the root section that popped above soil dried a...
  10. kitten49

    weird germination?

    Ok so idk if I'm doing something wrong or being impatient but my seeds been in water for about three days now the seeds pretty far open and green inside but still no tap root to be seen is that normal?