tap root above earth

  1. E

    Tap roots growing on surface of medium. 5 weeks old.

    So I’m growing in coco+perlite 70:30 in 2.5 gallon fabric pots, I usually stick my finger couple of inches into the coco at the edge of the pots to see whether the coco has dried up and needs watering. However without realizing, I noticed white tap roots right on the surface of the coco after I...
  2. A

    Wierd sprout with no cotyledons and brown hook

    I have read a lot of good stuff on here, thought id give a shout out with a wierd seedling i got, see if anyone has seen anything like it. Growing autos on my balcony in the south of Spain, hot sun here is awesome for autos and grow shops are easy to find. Not to mention killer weed for 5 euros...