
  1. Tolerance Break

    Anyone else cannabis taste blind?

    I've been smoking since 16 and I don't recall ever tasting terps. Westcoast outdoor, Midwest indoor, doesn't matter. When I come back after a t break of 2 or more weeks, I get that beginner flavor, but since switching to vaporizers a few months ago, I don't even get that. It all tastes more or...
  2. F

    (Mild) stress (eg. not watering for a bit) etc. for better taste/potency?

    I don't know where I picked this up, I think it was on a site for growing hot peppers. Could some mild stress on the plants, such as not watering for a bit give them better taste and potency? (Or in the case of peppers make them hotter, as was claimed). Has anyone experience with this? Ty!
  3. Zackk

    How to improve the taste and smell of hempy

    I'd love to make this all about improving the overall quality of hempy. I understand that when growing in perlite you miss out on the microbes and beneficial bacteria the plants need. Please share any nutrients or ideas that have worked for you!
  4. GrandMasterKillerB


    I'm just curious what are some your favorite tasting strains? Disregard potency I'm just talking taste. I understand a lot of this has to do with how the stuff is finished and cured, so lets all assume for this thread that whatever you smoked was done wonderfully, or at least it sure tasted...
  5. TigerSquad

    Turpinist aut0?

    Want to start a new project looking for an auto with a very turpinist taste. I'm looking for recommendations because I've never done Auto. I have read up and understand each bank has a flavor indicator for each seed type but I also know most companies will hype up their own products all the...
  6. totinospizzarolls

    What fruit should I cure my Bubblegum with?

    I've read that some people will put a bit of fruit peel into the curing jars so that the weed picks up a little bit of the fruit flavor. If I'm growing bubblegum, what are some fruits that you guys think would taste good? I'm pretty sure I can only do it with fruits that have an oily surface...
  7. moondance

    Smoke Reports from the World!

    Hey all I have a buddy Shishkaboy whos nose for Cannabis is unrivaled, I have the ear for things. Motors, music and such but this guy damn man. Plus he just has a huge knowledge base trapped in that head of his and he can describe flavors and the taste so perfectly I get jealous all the time of...
  8. elfo777

    Best tasting strains.

    This is going to be my fourth grow but I've been using bagseeds only. It has been a good experience so far. I want to grow a strain that has a really good taste but I don't know which one I should get. I heard querkle and bubblegum taste pretty good. Which ones do you recommend me?
  9. dandyrandy

    Best tasting Strains

    I'm interested in finding the best tasting Strains. Bubblegum you name it. I have some Strawberry Amnesia I love. Suggestions please. It's time to order seeds.