urine fertilizer

  1. F

    Human Urine

    Im sure this one will cause some waves. I use my own urine as fertilizer. Diluted to a 1/15 or 1/20 ratio is safest for potted plants. Although many brave folks go 1/10. Ive never heard of cannabis growers using urine except for myself. Ive used urine on other plants for years with great...
  2. Budlight181

    First time successful grower and Diluted urine actually did work.

    A few years ago I tried growing cannabis without any experience or knowledge, I just jumped in and tried it. I used miracle grow and just had a tall beautiful plant with leaves. This year I found out to never use that on cannabis. So I opted for a natural readily available source. My own urine...
  3. Sexx Pistils

    Homemade Organic Fertilizers, Anyone?

    Anyone here go all the way organic...meaning not buying pre-made fertilizers & nutes but just making things out of what's available around the house? That's what I'm doing for my first small grow & people are treating me like some kind of freak online. "Just buy some nutes, dude. They only...