Hello Everyone,
I ran 4 oz of trim 6 days ago with butane. I then winterized the batch with everclear and let it sit with a fan on it for 3 days at room temp.Yesterday I started my vac purge and have had it at-29.95 hg (115 degrees f )for the past 12 hrs or so. The smaller pieces are straight...
Here is my current setup that I am slowly expanding since this stuff isnt cheap. I am also building a 20ton rosing press, I just need to buy the heat plates now.
I use a best value vacs mini 45g closed loop passive extractor with the 90-135g upgrade kit. It has tje splatter platter bottom for...
sorry for the big post. just read the bold to save time.
& if you dont have time to answer everything, answer anything!! much appreciated
So I've acquired a vacuum chamber & a heat pad at a head shop, i over paid but they seem nice enough, as well as an extraction tube, some screens (25, 50...