
  1. trueweedsmoker

    Need relationship advice. Dealing with a mean controlling woman

    I have a girlfriend that I have been fooling around with on and off since the age of 15. We finally reconnected 8 years ago and she moved in after a few months. We fall out alot cause I don't trust her and she does funny things. After 7 years we fell out and she moved with her mother. She...
  2. Huckster79

    Why does Cecelia's lover need to wash his face?

    Making love with Cecelia up in my bedroom, I get up to wash my face, when i come back to bed someones taken my place... So i beleive the missed question here is why the need to get right up n wash ur face??? Had Cecelia not let you know she was oozing gelatinous blood clots before you...
  3. esh dov ets

    Women in Music

    Here i will post the best females i have found in music. A few years ago i was walking with a friend of mine. We are guys talking about music we like and have been listening to and i mention something and he says "and i bet its all dudes" or something and i think it was some metal band with a...