Could someone please help me figure out why these 2 1/2 week olds are not doing as well as I’d like? On a 18/6 light schedule 400w metal halide bulb 22inches away from top of plants, I water every 2 days (about a 1/4-1/3 a solo cup of water) ph around 6ish, the soil I’m using is the soil in the...
Hi guys,
I have a problem with one of my girls at the mo. Problem started 2 weeks Ago. I'm not what you would call a noob, however have been really lucky when it has come to problems/ deficiencies. So have limited experience correcting issues. I basically have yellowing of some leaves. Mainly...
My ph meter showed a very low ph 4 days ago, I just add buster to raise it, but I didnt see a big change, so I put more and more ph up, next day I found out my meter was malfuntioning and it was giving me the wrong lecture and I have raised the ph when was not need for it, as a result my plants...