The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Ahoy bud,alls great OG kush is a fucking beast at the moment place is getting really stinky haha nothing mate gf b'day is this week 2 so after I get her hair done for her n all that crack im broke again, couldn't even afford smoke this week had to get the legal about U, going off the rails for the new year or U being an old timer like myself?

ahem... i am an old timer..hahahahaha... i`ll be as usual spending it with the little ones, kind of tradition that we count in the new year... prob get a couple of bottles of bud, i don`t drink but its one night and 2 bottles will do me fine, also no smoke but fuck it i`ve been without before and will again so meh.., and not been in work for few weeks what with presents etc won`t be any smoke for awhile either so might aswell settle in and wait for yeild....(which will be sometime in mid febuary)...


Well-Known Member
I don't drink at all bud (I was a bold boy in my day haha) so ill smoke in the new year with the gf drinking for me haha. Legal stuff sorts me for sleep so im grand, ill be march..ish haha hopefully lol
if you don`t own the gaff just paint the walls white, the insulation will get your temps up too much, thats depending on your light and extraction tho, have you planned what your going to use in that area?...

also is is poly iso insulation? the foam stuff...
Well the lighting is going to be all cfl or a mix of cfl and T5 but only 4 or 5 in total. Its actually called thermowrap sorry couldn't remember what the actual name was, its very reflective and is in a bubble wrap sort of style if ya get me? Not foam at all. The only other things in the area I'll be using is a very small fan.
Its an auto grow also.
I don't drink at all bud (I was a bold boy in my day haha) so ill smoke in the new year with the gf drinking for me haha. Legal stuff sorts me for sleep so im grand, ill be march..ish haha hopefully lol
What legal stuff u smokin man thought all that was gone?


Well-Known Member
Well the lighting is going to be all cfl or a mix of cfl and T5 but only 4 or 5 in total. Its actually called thermowrap sorry couldn't remember what the actual name was, its very reflective and is in a bubble wrap sort of style if ya get me? Not foam at all. The only other things in the area I'll be using is a very small fan.
Its an auto grow also.
I have used that thermowrap/bubble wrap before when I had more space. I didnt have a problem with it but then I dont have very much experience. Have you a plan for venting air in/out of the ward-robe?
Is the thermowrap only recommended for larger spaces then because mines very limited, and nope I've no way of venting I'll have to just use a micro plug-in fan


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, dont really know. I too am doing an Auto(my first) in a wardrobe. I had the thermo wrap leftover from before so I just went ahead and used it. If I had have read what a86 had said though I prob would have painted it as he knows his stuff. I also had a big extractor fan left over so I dont have as big a prob with temps, for now.
I am going to go out on a limb here and if I am wrong, so be it but my understanding is that the plants need a supply of fresh air in and stale air(and smell) out. I could be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
2 computer fans but there are a few variables to consider...specs of space ... if smell is an issue n so on


Well-Known Member
u can get a basic budget 4" fan and filter combo on ebay for £50, this wud be fine for a small grow, or if u dont need a filter and odor isnt an issue u can get just the fan for £20, i have 3 of these fans that i use for intake in my tents


Well-Known Member
Like R31@X says. If its a cost thing then I too would go with pc fans. You can get them for next to nothing in pc stores or just check out adverts(dot)ie. Can you post up the height/width/depth of where you want to grow?
Sorry dude, dont really know. I too am doing an Auto(my first) in a wardrobe. I had the thermo wrap leftover from before so I just went ahead and used it. If I had have read what a86 had said though I prob would have painted it as he knows his stuff. I also had a big extractor fan left over so I dont have as big a prob with temps, for now.
I am going to go out on a limb here and if I am wrong, so be it but my understanding is that the plants need a supply of fresh air in and stale air(and smell) out. I could be wrong though.
Ah right , I might just use it for celling and floor instead. Yea I know they need fresh air and venting but I've read that just opening the door a few times a day is good enough venting for a small amount of plants. Obviously its perfect to have a proper venting system and the likes but for a personal grow of only a few autos is it really nessasary to spend money on it? I'm trying to get the grow up and running and get to know what I'm doing before I start spending money on vents and better lights so is it possible to grow without proper venting?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Well the lighting is going to be all cfl or a mix of cfl and T5 but only 4 or 5 in total. Its actually called thermowrap sorry couldn't remember what the actual name was, its very reflective and is in a bubble wrap sort of style if ya get me? Not foam at all. The only other things in the area I'll be using is a very small fan.
Its an auto grow also.
its no good, you`ll be better served with the white paint dude trust us... as for lights, make sure you have more 6500k(kelvin) for your veg cycle and more 27000k for flower, you can have both going at the same time just a better average of either depending on your stage of growth...

you can get only so far with them tho, and thats from experience, even when you match the wattage of say a small hps you`ll never get the yeild you would have with the latter, so if you could spring for a 250w hps even you`ll get the results your after...

now that said you can yeild with cfl`s, but if you do`t want to be buying weed again (and you won`t want to after you grow your own) then look into perpetual growing, just popping more beans or bean if femmed at the right time, i normally pop as i flip one lot to flower, just so as you never run out and always got something in the tin..:)

i think if its your first go and you are unsure of things then hang your bulbs etc and get them lit without anything growing and give the wardrobe a dry run, i`ve grown in them before and once set right and secure they can be a great, secure being paramount, learned that one the hard way...


Well-Known Member
Ah right , I might just use it for celling and floor instead. Yea I know they need fresh air and venting but I've read that just opening the door a few times a day is good enough venting for a small amount of plants. Obviously its perfect to have a proper venting system and the likes but for a personal grow of only a few autos is it really nessasary to spend money on it? I'm trying to get the grow up and running and get to know what I'm doing before I start spending money on vents and better lights so is it possible to grow without proper venting?
yeah its possible i grew like that in cupboards and wardrobes when i started with no intake or extraction just left the door open a little 24/7, this is only an option if u dont have to worry about anyone noticing the smell as ur house will stink from about 3 weeks into growing with autos, i'll try find some old pics of my 1st cpl setups from years ago and let u see what shitty way i started and what i got from it.
2 computer fans but there are a few variables to consider...specs of space ... if smell is an issue n so on
Like R31@X says. If its a cost thing then I too would go with pc fans. You can get them for next to nothing in pc stores or just check out adverts(dot)ie. Can you post up the height/width/depth of where you want to grow?
Smell won't be an issue at the moment but do they plug into sockets or how do they work? And the space is just over 6f height, 1.5 feet wide and depth is just touching 3 feet.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
So I've heard man but I haven't got the funds really , what's the smallest cheapest venting for a closet?
if your any good with your hands search a local market for desk fans etc, they come in all shapes and sizes, or argos got great cheap ones, mines going since 2010 on 12/12 and still spinning.. cost about 9quid i think...