A tax analogy, who's really paying their fair share?

unclebuck - get hit by car, sue dealership, come onto RIU and explain how you're too destitute to wait for settlement then have your wife's parents buy a car, all while they laugh at the wannabe who will never inherit a cent. Wife becomes wise to the con and moves interstate to be closer to the ocean

That's why he was in T&T talking about his structured settlement...he needs cash now.
i am not a fan of penalizing success. nor am i a fan of plutocracy.

and although i am not a fan of raising taxes, i do believe there does need to be major tax reform. the richest person in your analogy pays at a higher rate than all the rest. but the richest among us in real life (not your analogy) pay a lesser rate.

me (when i'm working those desk jobs) pay closer 25% in taxes on my $30k.

so your analogy in not analogous, and to call it an analogy is an insult to analogies.

a better analogy would be this: 1000 people attend a catering event. 6 of them are rich beyond your wildest dreams, they are richer than more than the bottom 800 or so attendees combined. the other 994 people range from dirt poor to pretty fucking rich. to pay for the event, which includes .

i can take pictures of my 2008 and 2009 returns.

And you post a pic of one pay stub!

me: paid 22% last time i was a full timer making about $28k.

romney: makes $20 million: pays 13%.

Your income dropped $2k and your tax rate dropped 3%, all in the span of10 posts!

Bucky, you're a proven liar, you can't keep up with your lies from post to post, let alone thread to thread.
And you post a pic of one pay stub!

Your income dropped $2k and your tax rate dropped 3%, all in the span of10 posts!

Bucky, you're a proven liar, you can't keep up with your lies from post to post, let alone thread to thread.

22% is about 25%, and 28K is about 30K.

you were just trying to lie in another thread about what i said about this, should i bring that over here to prove what a lying POS you are?
i can take pictures of my 2008 and 2009 returns.

me: paid 22% last time i was a full timer making about $28k.

romney: makes $20 million: pays 13%.

romney: responsible for extracting profit from companies, closing down the company, declaring bankruptcy, then making taxpayers foot the bill for pensions. narrows tax base by thousands of workers. takes advantage of situations where reward is personalized and risk is socialized. shelters the money from taxes, hides it overseas. lobbied congress to keep his tax rate artificially low.

me: never extracted wealth in the millions at the expense of others, sheltered it from taxes, hid it overseas, and lobbied for the tax rate to be lower than a schlub making $28k. takes advantage of situation where reward is personalized and risk is very personalized. if someone falls off those treadmills, i'm in for it.

as far as making the country a better place with more equal opportunity, i would say i have done less to hurt the american dream than the romney type guy out there.

romney doesn't even produce anything. he make hundreds of millions by buying up companies, extracting the profit, shutting them down, firing all the workers, sticking the taxpayer with the bill for firing all the workers, and calls it a day.

i labor my ass off to produce treadmills for a living. in fact, my treadmill production is often responsible for me being able to employ others to help trim treadmills or look after my treadmills when i go on vacation. and i pay well, $15 an hour to trim treadmills, $80 a day just to sit there and make sure the treadmills don't catch on fire.

Yes, I caught the misspelling of "paid". I did not bother correcting it.

22% is about 25%, and 28K is about 30K.

you were just trying to lie in another thread about what i said about this, should i bring that over here to prove what a lying POS you are?

You just admitted it wasn't a lie, I said you paid 25%, you said 22% is about 25%

Tell us again how many zeros in a million.
You just admitted it wasn't a lie, I said you paid 25%, you said 22% is about 25%

Tell us again how many zeros in a million.

i said "closer to 25%", hedging my statement to leave room for that little bit.

you didn't, you just plain lied to try to bait me into proving something i can't prove, because you lied.

that's why i would love to meet in person, something tells me it takes you a while to formulate your lies, and face to face contact wouldn't leave you enough time to formulate so many lies.

you liar.
Narcissists have emotions, very strong ones, so terrifyingly overpowering and negative that they hide them, repress, block and transmute them. They employ a myriad of defence mechanisms to cope with their repressed emotions: projective identification, splitting, projection, intellectualisation, rationalisation.
Narcissists have emotions, very strong ones, so terrifyingly overpowering and negative that they hide them, repress, block and transmute them. They employ a myriad of defence mechanisms to cope with their repressed emotions: projective identification, splitting, projection, intellectualisation, rationalisation.

is this stuff they taight you to overcome the crippling PTSD you were inflicted with while making sandwiches for the menfolk in iraq?
Humans are interchangeable and the narcissist does not distinguish one individual from another

The narcissist despises the very people who sustain his Ego boundaries and functions. He cannot respect people so expressly and clearly inferior to him – yet he can never associate with people evidently on his level or superior to him, the risk of narcissistic injury in such associations being too great. Equipped with a fragile Ego, precariously teetering on the brink of narcissistic injury – the narcissist prefers the safe route. But he feels contempt for himself and for others for having preferred it.
Why does it matter so much to you if someone thinks their race is better or if they think the world just made up the final solution?

By calling someone a racist, Uncle Buck can ignore the issue being discussed and therefore not have to actually do any critical thinking....
By calling someone a racist, Uncle Buck can ignore the issue being discussed and therefore not have to actually do any critical thinking....

actually, racism explains a massive amount of the objections we see to straightforward, previously non-controversial and bipartisan ideas that the president wants to see implemented.

for example, why did the GOP stall health care for 9/11 first responders for so long? because obama pushed for it, and he is black.

why did the GOP fight the payroll tax cut for the middle class? because obama pushed for it, and he is black.

why did the GOP go insane about cap and trade, their very own idea? because obama pushed for it, and he is black.

why does the GOP fight infrastructure improvements now, when they never used to? because obama pushed for it, and he is black.

normal republicans like flaming pie and doer can see it, because they are not blinded by the same type of hate that people like you are.

you are so blinded by your racial hatred, that you said that black people only voted for the democrat (obama) because he was half black.

your racial hatred causes you to say a lot of stupid things, you marginalize yourself by doing so.

i am simply pointing out your motivation for doing so.
Narcissists have emotions, very strong ones, so terrifyingly overpowering and negative that they hide them, repress, block and transmute them. They employ a myriad of defence mechanisms to cope with their repressed emotions: projective identification, splitting, projection, intellectualisation, rationalisation.

They also read things like Malignant Self Love. Shine on you crazy diamond.
actually, racism explains a massive amount of the objections we see to straightforward, previously non-controversial and bipartisan ideas that the president wants to see implemented.

for example, why did the GOP stall health care for 9/11 first responders for so long? because obama pushed for it, and he is black.

Or because they didn't want to spend the money.

why did the GOP fight the payroll tax cut for the middle class? because obama pushed for it, and he is black.

Or because they wanted more/other tax cuts.

why did the GOP go insane about cap and trade, their very own idea? because obama pushed for it, and he is black.

The idea actually originated during Johnson's presidency, but that's not even important. Bush rejected the Kyoto Protocol--complete with its cap and trade provisions--long before Obama was even a household name. Skepticism about global warming has grown in all political groups over the last 10 years, making it unpopular with Republicans and conservative Democrats, and that's why they failed to move it.

why does the GOP fight infrastructure improvements now, when they never used to? because obama pushed for it, and he is black.

Outright false. Both parties have opposed infrastructure improvements in recent decades when it was politically expedient for them to do so.

normal republicans like flaming pie and doer can see it, because they are not blinded by the same type of hate that people like you are.

you are so blinded by your racial hatred, that you said that black people only voted for the democrat (obama) because he was half black.

your racial hatred causes you to say a lot of stupid things, you marginalize yourself by doing so.

i am simply pointing out your motivation for doing so.

You didn't post anything that had to do with racial hatred. Obama is a political enemy just like Bush was a political enemy for the Democrats and just like Clinton was a political enemy for the Republicans. The fights in the latter cases obviously had nothing to do with race.

Obama hasn't been able to accomplish much for several obvious reasons: 1) he doesn't make deals, 2) he doesn't believe in negotiation, 3) he makes no effort to establish relationships with people in the opposition, 4) he plays to the national public and his political base, ignoring that the congress is responsible to its own political bases. Clinton and the Republicans accomplished a lot because Clinton worked closely with Republicans--even while they were vilifying him and trying to remove him from office--building/maintaining personal relationships, negotiating, and making deals.

That's politics. If you don't want to play politics, you shouldn't be a politician. We live in a country with a constitutional system that gives congress preeminent power, not an executive-dominated autocracy.