has anyone ever flowered with a Metal Halide bulb?


Active Member
has anyone ever flowered with a Metal Halide bulb? If so please share the results vs. a HPS. i know about spectum and all that and the reasons to flower with HPS just curious about results from a complete flower cycle done under MH only. any input is greatly appreciated


Active Member
has anyone ever flowered with a Metal Halide bulb? If so please share the results vs. a HPS. i know about spectum and all that and the reasons to flower with HPS just curious about results from a complete flower cycle done under MH only. any input is greatly appreciated
Yes, but unintentionally with an auto.


bud bootlegger
Yes, all the time..
I've read that mh's might cut the yield back a bit compared to flowering w an hps, but have heard the.mh's bring out more terpenes compared to hps lighting ..
Right now I'm using sun pulse brand mh bulbs .. they come in different kelvin ratings, much like CFL's do.. I used the 6000 k for veg and the 3000k for flowering.. I have been loving the results and don't have any reason to change things up..


Well-Known Member
Yes, all the time..
I've read that mh's might cut the yield back a bit compared to flowering w an hps, but have heard the.mh's bring out more terpenes compared to hps lighting ..
Right now I'm using sun pulse brand mh bulbs .. they come in different kelvin ratings, much like CFL's do.. I used the 6000 k for veg and the 3000k for flowering.. I have been loving the results and don't have any reason to change things up..
Do you have any pictures of your buds?


Well-Known Member
Yes, all the time..
I've read that mh's might cut the yield back a bit compared to flowering w an hps, but have heard the.mh's bring out more terpenes compared to hps lighting ..
Right now I'm using sun pulse brand mh bulbs .. they come in different kelvin ratings, much like CFL's do.. I used the 6000 k for veg and the 3000k for flowering.. I have been loving the results and don't have any reason to change things up..
have you done any comparisons using the same strain, using MH then HPS?

I have heard people state that MH has advantages over HPS in the flower mode (tighter buds and better flavour)

I can also remember someone saying that MH should always be used in a sealed hood unit, as they have be known to explode...is there any truth to that?


Well-Known Member
have you done any comparisons using the same strain, using MH then HPS?

I have heard people state that MH has advantages over HPS in the flower mode (tighter buds and better flavour)

I can also remember someone saying that MH should always be used in a sealed hood unit, as they have be known to explode...is there any truth to that?
General guidelines........strain dependent, yada yada yada

mh=== decent yield , good quality, frequent re-lamping
hps=== very high yield, decent quality, less re-lamping
cmh=== high yield, great quality, less re-lamping

leds/induction/plasma are for another time:)

Yes, mh arcs are more unstable than hps, rarely open fixture rated unless stated("glass grenades" aren't common btw)..............all hps/lps bulbs are open fixture rated.


bud bootlegger
have you done any comparisons using the same strain, using MH then HPS?

I have heard people state that MH has advantages over HPS in the flower mode (tighter buds and better flavour)

I can also remember someone saying that MH should always be used in a sealed hood unit, as they have be known to explode...is there any truth to that?
don't think i've ever done any side by sides, sorry m8..
the only bulb i've blown thus far has been an hps, an eye hortilux blue, in my digital ballast after about a month or so.. and it just stopped working, not blew up or anything.. been running my mh's for idk, 2 or so years now, no issues yet..
i think the buds under mh's tend to have more flavor, but maybe it's a placebo, idk..
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Mr John

Active Member
have you done any comparisons using the same strain, using MH then HPS?

I have heard people state that MH has advantages over HPS in the flower mode (tighter buds and better flavour)

I can also remember someone saying that MH should always be used in a sealed hood unit, as they have be known to explode...is there any truth to that?
I have used 1000watt mh bulbs on and off for a few years and never had that happen to me.
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