PolyPloid Plants........ I gots me two and a half!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I used stuff that was mostly dry and cured. My next batch will be from closer to fresh trim. I did put it in the freezer before running it.

I am loving that it is no where near the smoothie that the blender method made. And for the record, I did throw away the blender crap although I should have thrown it in the butter pile... Well maybe not since it was GREEN!!!!

I am debating on using all of the bags just to see what I get. Using just 3 worked pretty good.

Today is maintenance day so while the lights are out for cleaning I will get some pics of the girls. First I have to go over to the school and give them copies of my kids screenshots from her phone. She and a few of her friends are being harassed and death threats have been made. Sucks ass that we are going to have a 13 year old arrested along with her crony friends but they need to learn the lesson. And it is killing me inside that my little girl is going through this crap!!!!

Time to go!!!!


Well-Known Member
I used stuff that was mostly dry and cured. My next batch will be from closer to fresh trim. I did put it in the freezer before running it.

I am loving that it is no where near the smoothie that the blender method made. And for the record, I did throw away the blender crap although I should have thrown it in the butter pile... Well maybe not since it was GREEN!!!!

I am debating on using all of the bags just to see what I get. Using just 3 worked pretty good.

Today is maintenance day so while the lights are out for cleaning I will get some pics of the girls. First I have to go over to the school and give them copies of my kids screenshots from her phone. She and a few of her friends are being harassed and death threats have been made. Sucks ass that we are going to have a 13 year old arrested along with her crony friends but they need to learn the lesson. And it is killing me inside that my little girl is going through this crap!!!!

Time to go!!!!
That sucks!! I'd be busting some asses if anybody messed with my daughter :fire:


Well-Known Member
Trust me, both the wife and I want to hunt these kids down!! We live in a 3 square mile farming town so the problem has already been taken care of. We are in the process of building a case against the ring leader.
We got us some real smart ones here! They sent text's, face booked and instagrammed shit to our daughter who was bright enough to screen shot the insta-gram stuff LOL!!! Nothing like posting a picture of yourself and your sidekick flipping off the camera and typing threatening text on it....

Now back to my room of death!!!!

I went out to clean my cool tubes and replace the MH bulb with a new HPS. I unplugged the lights and let them cool off, pulled the duct off and removed the bulb. While I was at it I poked my trusty swiffer in the tube and gave it a swirl. I put the new bulb in and plugged it ( the Thunder Ballast ) back in......


No light!! I checked the fuse and it had blown out so I replaced it. I plugged it in and heard the fuse blow! ARG!!!!! :evil:

The Thunder Ballast has a 5 year warranty so I sent an e-mail to to them about it. Sucks ass because all I have for a temp light is a 125 watt flouro...


Well-Known Member
Quick update on the ballast issue.

I received an E-mail from Hydroponics Pro asking me to ship the ballast to them. As soon as they get it, they will ship a new one back to me. I shipped it a few ago and they should have it Monday or Tuesday.

I am pacing like a MoFo!!!!! How the hell am I going to sleep knowing that half of my room is damn near dark!!!! :spew:


Well-Known Member
Quick update on the ballast issue.

I received an E-mail from Hydroponics Pro asking me to ship the ballast to them. As soon as they get it, they will ship a new one back to me. I shipped it a few ago and they should have it Monday or Tuesday.

I am pacing like a MoFo!!!!! How the hell am I going to sleep knowing that half of my room is damn near dark!!!! :spew:
This sucks...sorry to hear :(


Well-Known Member
Thanks Crit!

Shit always works out in the end! The wife came home from work and suggested that next time I need to ship something fast she will print me a UPS overnight label from work. They get great prices and would have been better than the $29 2-3 day snail mail I used. :wall:

Oh well! It snowed last night so today will be a great day to head out to the frozen greenhouse to make Bubble Hash!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Crit!

Shit always works out in the end! The wife came home from work and suggested that next time I need to ship something fast she will print me a UPS overnight label from work. They get great prices and would have been better than the $29 2-3 day snail mail I used. :wall:

Oh well! It snowed last night so today will be a great day to head out to the frozen greenhouse to make Bubble Hash!! :peace:
Hey Butchyboy!! "Somebody" ;) told me I should suggest that you chop that a little finer and press it :)


Well-Known Member
That pic was right after I knocked it off of the screen. I have broken it up into a powdery state so it can dry more. I haven't decided how I am going to press it yet. I have an Idea!!!


I didn't think that plants with extra nodes like that were actually polyploids. I forget what the term for it is. As you know though, ploidy relates to the number of sets of chromosomes found in a cell. Polyploid plants/animals typically are not able to reproduce.

Pretty sure the extra nodes are not necessarily an indication of the # of sets of chromosomes, though, and it would take a laboratory test to determine the count.


Well-Known Member
I believe Whorly is the word you are looking for..

The Whorlytripoidthing is almost done! The tops are looking like they are real close.. Day 52 from visible flowers.


It almost looks like it is skipping the cloudy and going right into amber..


The lower branches are getting heavy and droopy!


The MiniWhorlytriploid is coming along nicely!! Day 10.




Well-Known Member
Been a few days..

I chopped down the WorlyBiploidbeotch at day 66. She was turning to a golden glow. I have not weighed all of it yet as it is still hanging. It's crispy on the outside yet sticky in the middle. I weighed a couple of the tops and they both came in at 28 grams each. We will see what it looks like when it's completely dry.


I got tired of trimming! so the lower stuff looks like crap!! LOL!

The trim pile! My wife had a cow when she saw it. I had to explain to her that those buds will dry up to nothing and are only good for Hippy Crack!! :hump:

Where it all began!! Er, uh... Ended :clap:

And a shot of the center support from when it broke!

The other Whorly plant is still putting along.....


Well-Known Member
What a beauty, nice shots. The plant was a work of art. Job well done

Thanks for the kind word's!! She struggled most of flowering so I am happy for this much.

It's in jars and have been getting burped. So far I got 6.13???? ounces. The jars have dropped a gram here and there since they were filled.


Well-Known Member
Been a few days since I bumped this thread..

I turned off the light's so I could run my swiffer around the inside of the cool tubes so I snapped a quick pic of the Mini-WhorlyPloid. Day 36


Ignore the yellow plant's.......