Germinating seeds


Well I am doing my first big grow and have been having issues with germinating ever since I started growing at all.

I tried every method known to germ and have always had a 75 - 80% germ rate and had some sick seeds/sprouts. Them issues were only with sprouting between 3 - 6 at a time.

Over the past month only about 10 of 15 seeds have made it past 1 day as a seedling.

Last week I tried what most say not to do and I don't know why people say not to. I put 20 seeds into soil expecting a bunch to not sprout. Put them in 80degrees f, under a 250cfl ready for a sog..

Within 3 days (quicker than when I do germ method and put in soil) they had sprouted' grown a set of leaves and looked like some ripe little babies. Not a singe failure and its day 6.

What is the point in pre germing seeds? It feels like a completely pointless step has been added. Why does everyone suggest these methods? If it is because people worry that the seed won't b strong enough to push through then I have read elsewhere that its probly pointless growing it anyway.

I for one, will always germ straight into soil now.


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Well-Known Member
I dont know where you were looking but me and several others have said germing in soil or rockwool is way easier and better than all those dumb ass germ techniques repeatedly on this site. Glad you have seen the light, and now everyone will tell you how good the paper towel works blah blah blah


I dont know where you were looking but me and several others have said germing in soil or rockwool is way easier and better than all those dumb ass germ techniques repeatedly on this site. Glad you have seen the light, and now everyone will tell you how good the paper towel works blah blah blah

Lol well I got to see taproots with the paper towel method but still had the same bad result when they made it to soil.

Yah, won't be doing it again.

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Active Member
I use paper towel method and have 100% success. knock knock. If the seeds are too deep some may not sprout. In nature they fall on the ground and sprout. Are you keeping them in a dome? I heard this is not good since they like cool fresh o2.


Well-Known Member
12 hours in glass of water.Alive seeds that contain embryos will go to the bottom.Then 30' in a glass of water with 1/2 teaspoon chlorine to kill any fungus.Then straight in soil.Not too deep . About 3-5cm.Cover it gently with soil and water 50-100ml.You will not have to water for a couple of days.Water based on your seedlings size and soil moisture.Less is more.This goes for fertilizing as well.Wait 2-3 days.This will help a lot with your seedlings vigor.


Well-Known Member
I know people have great germ rates with the paper towel method but seriously, a cup of soil/perlite or a rockwool cube, a plastic bag and a water heater works for me every time. Iv never even tried the paper towel method because it works so well. Seed companies love the paper towel technique because everybody seems to fuck it up a few times before they get good at it. I just dont get it.


I use paper towel method and have 100% success. knock knock. If the seeds are too deep some may not sprout. In nature they fall on the ground and sprout. Are you keeping them in a dome? I heard this is not good since they like cool fresh o2.
Nope no dome. Same exact situation, same seed batch, same temps. Maybe its just the way I handle the germinated seed but I doubt it. First time I havnt had a fail, used 3x the amount of seeds I normally use but straight into soil... u can see why I think the method was my problem

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Well-Known Member
I remember way back in the day in middle or elementary school we sprouted seeds with paper towels just to see what they looked like. I think people remember that. Do you know how dumb I would look, when it came time to plant my garden, I had a couple hundred seeds soaking in paper towels. Then go crawling through the dirt with tweezers. Its a seed!


Well-Known Member
Nice thread. I'm so glad to see others finding out the same thing I've done for years.

Here's a little technique that you may want to try some time.

Like always, soak the seed in water until it sinks. Plant directly into home pot, that has been pre-watered. lightly cover the seed. Here;s the new part: Cover the pot with cling wrap(clear plastic) and put a band around it to hold it on. Poke many many holes in it with a toothpick. To ventilate. Stick your wifes analog meat thermometer into the soil and keep an eye on the temps. 70 to 78 degrees will produce more females and 80 to 85 degrees will produce more males. You will have germination in 3 days. So no need to take the plastic off until they spout...

Give it a try some time. You'll love it...


Well-Known Member
Well I am doing my first big grow and have been having issues with germinating ever since I started growing at all.

I tried every method known to germ and have always had a 75 - 80% germ rate and had some sick seeds/sprouts. Them issues were only with sprouting between 3 - 6 at a time.

Over the past month only about 10 of 15 seeds have made it past 1 day as a seedling.

Last week I tried what most say not to do and I don't know why people say not to. I put 20 seeds into soil expecting a bunch to not sprout. Put them in 80degrees f, under a 250cfl ready for a sog..

Within 3 days (quicker than when I do germ method and put in soil) they had sprouted' grown a set of leaves and looked like some ripe little babies. Not a singe failure and its day 6.

What is the point in pre germing seeds? It feels like a completely pointless step has been added. Why does everyone suggest these methods? If it is because people worry that the seed won't b strong enough to push through then I have read elsewhere that its probly pointless growing it anyway.

I for one, will always germ straight into soil now.
Didn't take long to figure that out did it? Bravo. Well done. :clap:

And I came up to the same conclusion as WhiteB. It's how they were taught seeds germinate back in the 2nd grade.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

This is how we germinate, mostly because it's quick, easy and fool proof
Dr. Jekyll

Fool proof maybe but not idiot proof.
One does have to determine which end to point downwards, thus this is why the Neanderthals feel so compelled to germinate in wet toilet paper, as they have not a clue as to which way is up.
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
I use paper towel method and have 100% success. knock knock. If the seeds are too deep some may not sprout. In nature they fall on the ground and sprout. Are you keeping them in a dome? I heard this is not good since they like cool fresh o2.
Me too, I barely poke a hole in the soil and usually two days later it is coming above soil...


Active Member
obviously one planting a large number of seeds wouldn't need to worry about a few un-sprouted or the hassle of all those paper towels. I just like to make sure my 3 seeds sprout so a paper towel is the sure way for me. I think your trying to justify not using a paper towel by creating a whole other scenario. To each is own. :mrgreen: merry new year.
I remember way back in the day in middle or elementary school we sprouted seeds with paper towels just to see what they looked like. I think people remember that. Do you know how dumb I would look, when it came time to plant my garden, I had a couple hundred seeds soaking in paper towels. Then go crawling through the dirt with tweezers. Its a seed!


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the humidity domes when starting seeds. Causes more problems that helps....

Humidity domes = Damping Off (if you don't get them off seedlings immediately after hypocotyl breaks soil surface). A clear plastic solo cup with the bottom cut out is perfect, keeps 'em kinda humid but has good air exchange with the outside world.

Seedlings do NOT equal clones/cuttings as far as their preferred environment.