Got to marry those girls when they are 15 or 16

You would be ok with a 20 year old banging your 15-16 year old daughter, taking her out of school and giving her a promising future of cooking and making babys?

You are truly a piece of shit. I hope you dont reproduce

The funny part is that you dont even see your intolerance...

And suddenly when someone points it out you want them sterilized...

LOL!!! You have nothing on the Nazi's...
The funny part is that you dont even see your intolerance...

And suddenly when someone points it out you want them sterilized...

LOL!!! You have nothing on the Nazi's...

Intolerance of Pedophilia, racism, and bigotry?
And of course the hyperbole. Where did I mention sterilization?

I just dont want you reproducing even if it is with a consenting 15 year old cousin of yours
The funny part is that you dont even see your intolerance...

And suddenly when someone points it out you want them sterilized...

LOL!!! You have nothing on the Nazi's...

ellipses abuse aide, why is there an apostrophe in "nazis"?
people married young because people died young..nothing to do with planned parenthood..many famous figures in history were mere teens or young adults at the time of their history making event.

also because large extended families prospered more than small families. Those were times when having kids to help around the household/farm was it's illegal. Or very close to it anyway.

kids today are only expected to play video games all day and not help out.......

people wonder where the american work ethic has gone. it's our gob't who is teaching kids it is not allowed from a very young age.
I thought we were talking about 15 or 16 year olds?

he is easily confused by his own argument.

Apparently women that have reached the age of consent cannot be considered smart enough to make their own decisions.

And he is worried about some religious guy keeping them barefoot and pregnant... LOL!
he is easily confused by his own argument.

Apparently women that have reached the age of consent cannot be considered smart enough to make their own decisions.

And he is worried about some religious guy keeping them barefoot and pregnant... LOL!

I'll probably get mod-fucked for this, but, dude, kill yourself. You're a fucking joke. Have you ever had any friends, like, ever?