Plant stem thickening [QUESTION]

Im just curious when does my plant stem start to thicken? I have two plants and one of them is now 6 days old and the other is 5 days old. It seems this morning both seedling are now in vegetative stage with the first set of Other leaves growing out.

Lol here is my grow room(in my closet) and ehh i also over watered one of them



Well-Known Member
They won't unless you got a light breeze in them. The wind is what makes the stem thick and strong


Well-Known Member
these jokers are partially right, indeed a breeze is what encourages a thick stem, however if you want to 'make' one use a warm light, 2700k as this is what encourages vertical growth, as per the 6500k, cool white makes horizontal growth
these jokers are partially right, indeed a breeze is what encourages a thick stem, however if you want to 'make' one use a warm light, 2700k as this is what encourages vertical growth, as per the 6500k, cool white makes horizontal growth
Alright so Add a 2700K cfl with my 6500k Lights and a breeze and i should be ok?


Well-Known Member
Maybe that's why my plants grow so bushy. I run an LED but maybe it puts more out on one side of the spectrum than the other.