Got to marry those girls when they are 15 or 16

Lets Talk about Phil Robertson.

He started dating his wife when she was 14 and he was 18. When she turned 16 he married her.

you fuckwads support that as well?

what's the age difference between you and your wife? I'm guessing it's way more than 4 years... Am I right?
we could talk about this over some lunch if you'd like. i have a new, 8 week old puppy that you'd love to meet. we could eat al fresco and pet the puppy. let me know.

what kind of dog did you get? I hope you're not keeping two large breeds in an apartment...
The law and morality does.

Got a daughter?

The law says you cant date someone 4 years younger than you? You realize with their strong religious convictions they were most likely not having sex until marriage? Legal age of consent is 16 in many states. So what law are you speaking of?
So you are admitting the age gap is larger than 4 years... Priceless.

Marry them while they are young and make them dependant on you!

I wonder if she is a MUDSHARK? A mud shark servant..I heard they have mud sharks in the south pacific so there you go CheezyO the clan man is married to a mud shark.
The law says you cant date someone 4 years younger than you? You realize with their strong religious convictions they were most likely not having sex until marriage? Legal age of consent is 16 in many states. So what law are you speaking of?
In a Christian film titled "I Am Second",
the couple opened up the struggles they had in their early marriage
when Phil was battling with "sex, drugs, and rock n' roll".

Phil Robertson met Miss Kay when she was 14, and married her two
years later. Phil started to change and began to drink alcohol when he
started party with the football team once he got to college.At the time
when they had

their second son, Jase, Phil's drinking habits worsened. "The
drinking got worse," Kay says during the film. "I would tell my boys
all the time, 'That's not your daddy. That's the devil in your daddy.' "

As to the law
Felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile is sexual intercourse with consent between (1) someone age 19 or older and someone between age 12 and 17 or (2) someone age 17 or older and someone between age 12 and 15.
Misdemeanor carnal knowledge of a juvenile is sexual intercourse with consent between someone age 17 to 19 and someone age 15 to 17 when the difference in their ages is greater than two years.
I wonder if she is a MUDSHARK? A mud shark servant..I heard they have mud sharks in the south pacific so there you go CheezyO the clan man is married to a mud shark.

You said fat people vote democrat
You said Blacks voted for obama becuase he is black
Your duaghter is married to a black guy.

Is she a democrat?
I'm cool with that. How do you feel about your daughter getting the black snake.

And does she vote democrat since she is rather large??

That is something only people like you think about..normal people don't think about shit like that unless they are racist like you..
The law and morality does.

Got a daughter?

Whos morality, yours?

Marriage is legal for an underage individual with parents consent. Their also still together and going strong and if you actually watched the show u would see that she owns him, she tells him what to do and he listens. I know what he said and this isn't news cause he said it during on of the episodes. The only reason anything is being said about this is because of the other shit. GLAAD didn't get their way and neither did naacp, so their going to try and do whatever to get him fired again.
Whos morality, yours?

Marriage is legal for an underage individual with parents consent. Their also still together and going strong and if you actually watched the show u would see that she owns him, she tells him what to do and he listens. I know what he said and this isn't news cause he said it during on of the episodes. The only reason anything is being said about this is because of the other shit. GLAAD didn't get their way and neither did naacp, so their going to try and do whatever to get him fired again.
Yeah it's a big conspiracy.
That is something only people like you think about..normal people don't think about shit like that unless they are racist like you..

No I said your wife is a MUD SHARK! can't you read?

So is your daughter a democrat?

You said Black people voted for Obama since he is black
and fat people tend to vote democrat

SInce your duaghter is married to a black guy

Do you consider your duaghter to be a mudshark?