Help upside down canoing and looks weak

Poke your finger in the bottom holes and feel your moisture level. Overall they look very healthy to me and I sure would not add any nutes at this time, just water. If the leaves are flacid/limp and your top two inches are dry, I guess I'm crazy, but I would just water them! What am I missing guys?
the way I watered these ladies, yu can see in the first pics a little baby, that is how these looked a couple month back. at 3 weeks or so they went into the 5's. I waterd accordingly. never too much I learned that lesson many grows ago. they have just now went up too 12 gallon Monday. and it don't take long for the drainage to come after watering . then I let the water sit for a few too let the plant suck up some juice then if there is any left I drain it off .
If you go too long between waterings, you can create large dry zones that don't wet correctly on next watering. Instead the water just takes a path to the bottom of pot and exits. 0

Or slides down the side of the pot and out the drainholes. Depending on the soil you use, when you let it dry out correctly, it might shrink and pull away from the pot. This is not a problem just something to keep in mind.

My soil does this. To "fix" the situation I like to set the entire pot in a pot tray or whatever they are called, those things you set the pots in. Fill the thing to the brim and let it suck up water from below for like 3-4 minutes. Capillary action will suck the water up several inches into the soil column. This will swell the soil back up against the side of the pot, then water from above a few minutes later and the whole pot will be perfectly watered.
Poke your finger in the bottom holes and feel your moisture level. Overall they look very healthy to me and I sure would not add any nutes at this time, just water. If the leaves are flacid/limp and your top two inches are dry, I guess I'm crazy, but I would just water them! What am I missing guys?
I live on the west side of Denver bro!! Cheers mate!
yeah, it's hard to say man. Looks like enough holes, But some extra ones around the sides, toward the bottom should help too.

are the buckets sitting on a flat surface? It doesn't look like it in your first pics. but gotta ask

Those recent plant photos actually don't look too bad. She just looks like she's going to work for ya.
yeah, it's hard to say man. Looks like enough holes, But some extra ones around the sides, toward the bottom should help too.

are the buckets sitting on a flat surface? It doesn't look like it in your first pics. but gotta ask

Those recent plant photos actually don't look too bad.
I have them sitting on a slopped table with a little 3%grade or so not too steep but enough too try and drain all the water too the front of the bucket
so the overall look of the plants are nice imo which makes this seem so bad lol like a bad branch in the family tree. that's funny. ill just keep a eye on it. well 2 really . Thanks all this is a great community peace all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I think it's the FF soil. I'm finding it to be pretty hot myself. 3 weeks in and it's finally doing better I think as the N is depleted from the soil. My older leaves are dark as can be.
What is the ph of the water your putting in and what is the ph of the water draining out from that watering. You may have a lock out issue which is stopping good up take of both water and food.
Ffof is high N at first especially plants which haven't had nutes prior to going into it. They'll acclimate to it as they grow. Dont add nitrogen for first 30 days after goin into ffof, unless your seeing deficiencies. Also ffof doesn't have the most even drainage, water retention, or most even drying out capabilities as a stand alone growing media. Many people sucsessful with that soil add perlite or another aeration type medium in ratios from 25-50%. Just throwin it out there.