Afghan does it look ??

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
I got it from a buddy who originally went to Canada to get a white lightning strain that is amazing by the way, and a sharks breath strain and he ended up coming home with this one too and I smoke on average of an 8th to a qtr a day of high quality stuff and everytime I get some of this from him I have a great experience and get higher than I normally do,even off of the chemdawg and purplewreck I get from another buddy of mine that grows , the high is one of my favorites for a pure indica. I usually try to stay with some sort of sativa dominant bud during the day so I can get shit done ,and an indica at night when I wanna just chill. Peace ma, and btw it looked better last night than it has thus far. , it seems to be a really resilient strain as I have put it thru hell and some occaisional 40* night time temps

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
I'm 40 days in but I figured I slowed growth a few weeks so maybe technically 26 days ? Who knows , but from the day I switched from 12/12 it's been 40. Gonna give it another month n see what she does. Peace

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
So here's an updated pic from tonite. They're lookin so much better since I switched from botanicares cns17 1 part bloom to general hydros flora micro/bloom and my additives. They're technically 44 days in but I suspect they are a few weeks behind due to some cold spells and earlier issues with the grow.

The ph is at 5.8 and my res temps are at 69. The temp in my room is about 71 to 74 with the lights on and about 60 to 64 with the lights off depending on how cold it gets outside (external building) there is a heater in there but it only does so much. Hopefully since the res stays warm all the time the canopy temps won't kill me too bad. Anyway let me know what u think. The bud sites are actually starting to kinda fill out now with little false pods and im getting excited. Shouldn't be but maybe 3 or 4 weeks left. Thx for any input. Peace

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
So here are some pics from tonite. Man I've seen a big difference in the last week. Looks pretty good. Finally got my nutes and ph worked out and they are really fillin out.I can actually see buds now instead of just losts of pistils, and the smell is unreal .My buddy I got the clones from drove up and said they looked pretty good to him , he said I had about 6 weeks left so we shall see. Take a look and let me know what u think. With all the setbacks I've had this time around I'm pretty stoked. Even if I only get an ounce or two ill still be happy. Thx and stay smokin. Peace

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Ok so they are lookin pretty good tonite. One problem tho, The smell is so strong it's almost not a good thing. My cab is really small and its pretty damn stealth. It's hidden really well but within the last week the smell has gotten so strong it's noticeable from outside. I tried a carbon filter but my axial fan only pushes like 110 cfm. It works perfect for my small space but when I put the small filter on it just doesn't exhaust enough air so now I'm running into the problem that all the exhausted air smells really really strong. It smells amazing but I'm sure my neighbors wouldn't agree. Haha.

I went to Walmart tonite and bought one of those battery operated air fresheners that sprays a mist every so often but that fucker ain't putting a dent in the smell. I went out there a little while ago to take the trash out and I laughed bc it hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. Green bricks. My daughter came in earlier and said not to let the dog out bc it smelled like there was a skunk outside. NOT GOOD lol. So if any of you guys have any advice on how to semi-eliminate the smell without a carbon filter I would really appreciate it. Anyway merry Christmas and stay smokin. Peace.

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Get the fuck off my page !!!!! Wtf ? Any mods here can delete this fucker anytime u want.3 pages of bull shit and a partridge in a pear tree. Merry Christmas

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
He must know I need to exercise. Thx for the comments. I'm normally pretty patient but over the last week or so the smell has gotten so thick I'm chomping at the bit for this shit to get done. My ph goes from 5.8 to 6.1 every 24 hrs is that normal ?

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Haha it's been deleted. Thx to whoever did that. I'm gonna invent an app so I can send people like that a private message and when he opens it, it shocks the shit out of him.

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Here's some pics from last nite. The pistils are about half orange. The last pic is of the main cola (top) leaves growing strait up is that normal ? They are only doing it on my tall plant , the littler plant looks normal. Hopefully only a few more weeks. Gonna pic up a scope tomorrow from my over priced grow store. Apparently the radio shack stopped carrying them. Thx for lookin. Let me know what u think. Peace


Active Member
Here's some pics from last nite. The pistils are about half orange. The last pic is of the main cola (top) leaves growing strait up is that normal ? They are only doing it on my tall plant , the littler plant looks normal. Hopefully only a few more weeks. Gonna pic up a scope tomorrow from my over priced grow store. Apparently the radio shack stopped carrying them. Thx for lookin. Let me know what u think. Peace

dude...don't pick up that over priced scope...check this out...<br>;_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
nice large viewing area and damn cheap...i got it like a&nbsp; month ago for like $6.16..guess they realized they were selling it mad cheap and now its like $ shipping...but its perfect for our job...check out my afghan...waiting for my sour to get done flowering before i put the twins into 12/12...they are going to be monsters!<br><br>