Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd say Hi.
First time grower from the UK and loving the education this site has given me so far, and the entertainment value is just as high, (but not as HIGH as me lol).
Beautiful looking dog Korvette, is it yours? I have three, the one in my Avatar is a 4yr old, she's a cross: great-Dane & Mastiff.

have a good weekend everybody. bongsmilie

Feel free to browse my journal, I need all the help I can get. :D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd say Hi.
First time grower from the UK and loving the education this site has given me so far, and the entertainment value is just as high, (but not as HIGH as me lol).
Beautiful looking dog Korvette, is it yours? I have three, the one in my Avatar is a 4yr old, she's a cross: great-Dane & Mastiff.

have a good weekend everybody. bongsmilie

Feel free to browse my journal, I need all the help I can get. :D:D:D

Thanks and Yes she is Mine ...


Well-Known Member
Gee thanks Twisty..... Your a pretty Cool dude yourself :hump:
Nothing special, just that I was always brought up to respect women. I have TOO many friends that don't know a good thing when it bites them on their ass.. A women that YOU enjoy & love is a great thing...I had that, but it was taken by a drunk driver.. It's the little things that count..(opening doors, listening and basic respect).. I recently opened a door for a lady and she gave me the WTF, I can open my own door ....??? You go Korvette..

** On a different topic.. "genius" here want to install XP on my comp. myself..I checked the system req. and I have what I need, but don't know (hence genius) where to find if my comp. has 1.5 gig. free of hard drive space.. Where do I look for this... I'm new to comps. 6 months..and don't quite get it all.... thanks T :confused: