My first grow guys!


Yep what titomc said, your still within a good range. It got down to 65 the other night for me with lights on and the day with lights off was 82, today was 80-95 with lights on and 90 with lights off. Your temps are way more within range than mine, but it's a struggle here with dry air hot days and low humidity. Be happy your much more within the desired range.

Yes plants can still face heat stress regardless of temperature being optimal (less likely but possible), this is often caused by poor circulation creating hot pockets in grow space, light being to close to plants, or temperature of water being fed is not optimal (to hot, the last is least likely but I have read someone watering their plants with hot water cause they were to high and didn't realize, haha).

The stomata on plants leaves is most open and likely to absorb the most water from misting just as the lights are coming on during the vegative state. Once you change to 12/12 the leaves start to secreet resin that protects them from natural elements (rain etc outdoors), so you can usually stop foliage feeding, although some people will continue a few weeks into flower. Temps over 80 degrees force plants to semi-close their stomata so it won't be as effective to spray at those temperatures.

plants leaves naturally absorb nutrients in foliage feeding which increases yields, so it is advisable to do a 1 day low strength nutrient spray 2 days plain ph water spray.

Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Yeah my 1st gro I was n room every night,now I just check on them when they need water r nutes,I got dun suppercropping & fimming
Thanks man! Happy New Year! And I think the bigger plant is ready to top after this new set of leaves is done filling in not sure if I'm right but I am sure the fourth node is after that right Greenthumb?


Yes, your right cdd but wait for the fourth set of leaves to get at least half their length to full before doing it, more light absorption from leaves, more speedier growth from the new tops. Also expect a delay in growth to a degree at the top, while you may notice the undergrowth starts to develop more, it's just the plant recovering from the shock of you chopping her head off.

green I'm the same as you with my soil grow, I have not even looked at it since I watered it on the 30th, I'll probably check them out today to make sure they don't need water, but I'm basically just drying them out. Soil is so much easier than hydro, I check my nutrients twice a day in my hydro system, monitor ppm, etc. is really don't even need to open the cabinet to check on them since the reservoir is outside, but checking on your plants more frequently can detect problems early. If your pretty consistent with your grow design and comfortable there isn't as much need.

Outside growers often go 5-10 days between going to a grow location if they have a drip system fed from a water source etc.


Well-Known Member
Dam they are getting bigger,I remember win u 1st posted the pics of them gud job man
Yeah they are growing pretty good lol :) having trouble keeping heat up right now it's like 15° outside and the tent is right next to the window :/ didn't have any other place to put the tent.


Haha that back one is so cute, looks like a little mini version of her tent mates (is that another freebie or did you stick a fem in there?). Look at those leaves so Indica, they are fat fat fat... going to be a really couch locking high when you get thru to flower.

Does not look like you topped yet, are you going to soon?

I topped my plants in soil the other day, but honestly I am feeling a little lazy, just give them water every three days and wait for them to grow. if they have a problem know what it is and fix it...


Well-Known Member
Haha that back one is so cute, looks like a little mini version of her tent mates (is that another freebie or did you stick a fem in there?). Look at those leaves so Indica, they are fat fat fat... going to be a really couch locking high when you get thru to flower.

Does not look like you topped yet, are you going to soon?

I topped my plants in soil the other day, but honestly I am feeling a little lazy, just give them water every three days and wait for them to grow. if they have a problem know what it is and fix it...
Yeah I wanna top that big one now when the lights come on! :) i threw another bagseed in there, i am tempted to throw a fem in there though :) but that bagseed isn't looking too bad so i figured why not throw some free seeds in there first right? :) so is this where i snip it off at to top it????

1214 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
I guess I topped it right there is New growth at the two spots. Runoff of the soil on the kerala was 5.8 so I added some lime and watered it in when I was watering it today.. Hope it works...