And now it begins - Obamacare a very slow payer.


Well-Known Member
There was an 11th hour attempt to avoid the shutdown. The deal was to delay the individual mandate for a year and was turned down by dems. Didn't an executive order happen that could have avoided the shut down had it been done earlier? Seems like politics to me. The dems knew that the simpletons would blame the pubs and hurt them in the perception department. Just because dems are better at the politics doesn't mean they weren't to blame.

The blustering and lead up to the shut down was mostly from the right, the shut down itself happened because the dems thought it politically prudent. Either you are too dense to realize it, or you just love this kind of politics and willfully perpetuate it.
i'm gonna go ahead and stick a small hamster up your ass for 3 days. if you don't like it, i'll shut down government.

wanna negotiate that hamster in your ass down to two days? it'll cost ya.


Well-Known Member
this from the woman that commits fraud to move up from Medicaid and says she has pell grants, etc., but can still afford a trainer 3x week. The perfect liberal robinhood steal from the poor and keep it for yourself
And yet I imagine that IF she grew her own, and IF said crop was ripped, she'd be on here bitching about how fucked up rippers are for stealing.


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna go ahead and stick a small hamster up your ass for 3 days. if you don't like it, i'll shut down government.

wanna negotiate that hamster in your ass down to two days? it'll cost ya.
You president went ahead and shoved that hamster up our asses by executive order anyway. Since you equate delaying the mandate to sticking a rat up the ass, I take it you don't agree with our president or you really like gerbil sports.


Well-Known Member
Well, lets hear your argument that one side can shut down government if both sides work together and make concessions.
Do you have the intelligence to give it a shot?

You're not very good at life.


New Member
Well, lets hear your argument that one side can shut down government if both sides work together and make concessions.
Do you have the intelligence to give it a shot?

You're not very good at life.
Posting a video of Mitch McConnell saying he wants to make Obama a one term president is your argument that the government was shut down?
I'm 100% sure that most if not all republicans on the hill wanted Obama to be a one term president and I'll go out on a limb and say that when a republican is president, the democrats feel the same.

I'll give Schuylarr some credit here, she was intelligent enough to shut her trap, can't say the same for you, can we.


Well-Known Member
I was with you until the 2nd amendment part..That was written a very long time ago, so it is not a good comparison to Obama care..The right has a hard time voting for something that can bankrupt a country..The Dems don't seem to care that is why they vote and than read later..

Established law is established law regardless of when it was established, yesterday or two hundred years ago. This has nothing to do with voting for something that might bankrupt the country - it is a DONE DEAL. That is the point, it makes no difference when they read it or IF they read it, the law was enacted and confirmed.

I've said it before "give us the keys to your car" "no", ok, then we will simply have to burn the car. Now where is there compromise in that? Or, if you don't promise to give us the keys until next year we will STILL burn it.

What about this does the right have a problem with? Want to change a law? do it outside of what is more commonly known as extortion. "if you don't repeal an established law we will shut down the government. Now how is that different than the left saying, if you don't ignore the 2nd amendment we will shut down the government?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Established law is established law regardless of when it was established, yesterday or two hundred years ago. This has nothing to do with voting for something that might bankrupt the country - it is a DONE DEAL. That is the point, it makes no difference when they read it or IF they read it, the law was enacted and confirmed.

I've said it before "give us the keys to your car" "no", ok, then we will simply have to burn the car. Now where is there compromise in that? Or, if you don't promise to give us the keys until next year we will STILL burn it.

What about this does the right have a problem with? Want to change a law? do it outside of what is more commonly known as extortion. "if you don't repeal an established law we will shut down the government. Now how is that different than the left saying, if you don't ignore the 2nd amendment we will shut down the government?
I know it is law, but BarryO keeps changing the law so it's not like any of our other laws, and I bet BarryO will change it a few more times if thats what it takes to get another Dem elected..Can you think of another law that gets changed for political reasons other than Obama care?

What you said makes sense until BarryO wants to change it..I want everybody to pay up so they can better understand what they voted for...And you do realize that the Dems could of had everything they wanted if they would of held off of the mandate for one year don't you? That would of meant NO SHUT DOWN, it was that simple. The way its going they are handing out more and more free pass's anyway so it made no sense..But the Dems didn't like it and here we are..


Well-Known Member
I know it is law, but BarryO keeps changing the law so it's not like any of our other laws, and I bet BarryO will change it a few more times if thats what it takes to get another Dem elected..Can you think of another law that gets changed for political reasons other than Obama care?

What you said makes sense until BarryO wants to change it..I want everybody to pay up so they can better understand what they voted for...And you do realize that the Dems could of had everything they wanted if they would of held off of the mandate for one year don't you? That would of meant NO SHUT DOWN, it was that simple. The way its going they are handing out more and more free pass's anyway so it made no sense..But the Dems didn't like it and here we are..

so you are using a pesonal wager as fact? Medicare part D was changed any number of times as well, but each time it was and is still established law. One law, once established is identical to another law - they are both.... established. There is absolutely no guarantee that the law, delayed a year would be any better and it would have been subject to the same political gamesmanship. Worse, had the Repubs gotten their way there is no telling what else they would have held hostage, maybe the debt ceiling? hmm? maybe medicare? Social security? what would be sacred after they got their way once?


Well-Known Member
I know it is law, but BarryO keeps changing the law so it's not like any of our other laws, and I bet BarryO will change it a few more times if thats what it takes to get another Dem elected..Can you think of another law that gets changed for political reasons other than Obama care?

What you said makes sense until BarryO wants to change it..I want everybody to pay up so they can better understand what they voted for...And you do realize that the Dems could of had everything they wanted if they would of held off of the mandate for one year don't you? That would of meant NO SHUT DOWN, it was that simple. The way its going they are handing out more and more free pass's anyway so it made no sense..But the Dems didn't like it and here we are..
The Republican mission was to sabotage the funding mechanisms of Obamacare and one way to do that is to delay the individual mandate.
BTW if you havent heard. The Republicans are also funding activism aimed at dissauding college students from signing up.

Generation Opportunity, a Virginia-based group that is part of a coalition of right-leaning organizations with financial ties to billionaire businessmen and political activists Charles and David Koch, will launch a six-figure campaign aimed at convincing young people to “opt-out” of the Obamacare exchanges. Later this month, the group will begin a tour of 20 college campuses, where they plan to set up shop alongside pro-Obamacare activists such as Enroll America that are working to sign people up for the insurance exchanges.
Generation Opportunity intends to host events at college tailgate parties festivals [sic], where “brand ambassadors” (read: hot young people) will pass out beer koozies that read “opt out,” pizza and literature about the health care law. Some events may have impromptu dance parties with DJ’s, complete with games of cornhole and competitions for prizes, organizers said


Well-Known Member
Posting a video of Mitch McConnell saying he wants to make Obama a one term president is your argument that the government was shut down?
I'm 100% sure that most if not all republicans on the hill wanted Obama to be a one term president and I'll go out on a limb and say that when a republican is president, the democrats feel the same.

I'll give Schuylarr some credit here, she was intelligent enough to shut her trap, can't say the same for you, can we.
You are really really really really really not smart. At all. What. So. Ever.

Meet me for lunch to discuss your inadequacies?


Well-Known Member
I know it is law, but BarryO keeps changing the law so it's not like any of our other laws, and I bet BarryO will change it a few more times if thats what it takes to get another Dem elected..Can you think of another law that gets changed for political reasons other than Obama care?

What you said makes sense until BarryO wants to change it..I want everybody to pay up so they can better understand what they voted for...And you do realize that the Dems could of had everything they wanted if they would of held off of the mandate for one year don't you? That would of meant NO SHUT DOWN, it was that simple. The way its going they are handing out more and more free pass's anyway so it made no sense..But the Dems didn't like it and here we are..
i gave you an examlple - medicare part D.


New Member
Well, lets hear your argument that one side can shut down government if both sides work together and make concessions.
Do you have the intelligence to give it a shot?
You are really really really really really not smart. At all. What. So. Ever.

Meet me for lunch to discuss your inadequacies?

I'd rather meet your father in-law and ask him about that multimillion dollar business you're taking over.