Small 100% Organic Indoor Grow


Well-Known Member
I am a couple of weeks into my new grow and as with my former grows I am keeping it organic. These are the strains I have:

CH9 Seeds - Afghan Skunk Haze (Afghan Haze 33 x Afghan Haze 33 x Afghan Skunk)

Cannabiogen - Taskenti (Uzbekistan)

Seedsman - Original Afghani #1 (1970s Afghan landrace)

Seedsman - Ata Tundra (Kazakstan x Alaska Tundra Indica)

Female - Bubblegummer (inbred Bubblegum)

G13 Labs - Cheese (UK Skunk x Afghani)

Dutch Passion - Skunk #11 (Afghani x Mexican Acapulco Gold x Colombian Gold)

All the plants except the Bubblegummer and the Taskenti, sprouted on November 28th. The Bubblegummer sprouted on December 4th and Taksenti on the 6th. The Seedsman's both sprouted on December 31st.

All of the plants were sprouted in solo cups filled with 50% Alaska Humisoil (Organic Bountea) and 50% Natural & Organic Potting Mix (Sunland Garden Products) and watered with reverse osmosis water with Epsom salt added once in a while.

I am using an LED grow light and also have some supplemented CO2 from mycelium bags (I'm using oyster mushroom mycelium so that after they are done producing CO2 I will have some tasty fungus).

I will be chopping off the head of my Afghan Skunk Haze in a few days and cloning it. I am going to try main lining this time.

I will post some pictures soon.


Well-Known Member
The Ata Tundra has two sprouts from one seed! I have heard of this happening before and that it is more pronounced in certain strains. The 2nd sprout is about half the size of its counterpart, but hopefully it will grow out beautifully.


Well-Known Member
Heck yes I love small indoor organic grows. I like your strain choices, am excited to see how the Seedsman's turn out. Best of luck on this New Year


Well-Known Member
Heck yes I love small indoor organic grows. I like your strain choices, am excited to see how the Seedsman's turn out. Best of luck on this New Year
Thanks, the seedsman are my only two regular seeds in the grow so I hope at least one is female (wouldn't mind a male for breeding).


Well-Known Member
The Ata Tundra has two sprouts from one seed! I have heard of this happening before and that it is more pronounced in certain strains. The 2nd sprout is about half the size of its counterpart, but hopefully it will grow out beautifully.
I wanna see this!! Never heard of a 2 sprouter before.
Organics rule, synthetics drool! ;-)


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I have been having computer troubles and haven't been able to post photos. I also have been dealing with mealy bugs in my roots, some of my plants are not doing well and I have begun using azamax as an organic root drench to to their eating and breeding. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to kill them organically? Has anyone had success using sns 203 to kill them?


Well-Known Member
My plants are still alive and I'm thinking they will all be okay, it will just take a while for them to recover as I keep treating with azamax. I did transplant them into 1 gallon fabric pots filled with the following substrate:
1 part perlite
1 part coco coir
1 part worm castings
1 part Gardener & blue ribbon potting soil

This is the first time I have used this mix but I plan on using the blue ribbon from now on until I can make my own soil. I find that it is an excellent organic alternative to the overpriced hydro store brands such as roots organic which is often around $20 for 1.5 cubic feet. For $9.99 you get the same amount of Gardener & Bloome.


Well-Known Member
IMG_3677.jpgIMG_3678.jpgSeeds of Life Hindiana Autoflower. The reason this plant is not damaged is because it was the only one that I did not start in the Sunland Grow potting soil, which I am certain was contaminated with mealy bugs. This auto is in the last of my Roots Organic mixed 1:1 with Bio Bizz Light Mix.IMG_3693.jpg One of the bags I recieved for free. I recieved a case of eight and every one of them started to colonize before I activated them. What is supposed to make them surperior to the competition is that you decide when to activate them, as long as it is before the printed expiration date. I contacted the company with my problem and they ignored me. So I will probably never buy anything from them but at least the bags were free. Plus, these are so simple to make yourself for quite cheap and I plan on making my own in the near future.


Well-Known Member
Turns out I missed an email from the co2 bag company they are going to send me another box of them. :-) if you need additional CO2 and do not want to make it yourself, check them out at the bags I have actually work better than the exhale.


Well-Known Member
I started 2 of the landrace afghan seeds that an acquaintance of mine gave me. The seeds were collected from a huge field by his brother during his service in the military. He said he clapped his hands on the buds and it was super sticky, so I have high hopes for these babies. I want to see the difference between them and the 1971 Aghan from seedsman I have going.