The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
no chedz i aint had the cut in ages even las lost it at one point, i was just churning out the exo grow after grow easy money quicker too than the slh, lem dus seem to no his lemon tho and i did find the same thing myself that when i chopped it at nine wk it would be much more lemony than ten wk + never grew it in coco, only ever soil.

that monkey is well cool how much it cost?
Cost me alot of research mate like I said the money involved did nt and still does nt bother me. He cost in total £1,500 but the money to keep them in food and good health is alot mate more than he is worth 10fold. Not that I can degrudge him of I I love all animals big and small ive had the chance to own alot which is hard work but its the way me and the misses were brought up!


Well-Known Member
I still argue about the fact that he is a captive animal the same as lizards parrots and anyother social animal mate if we had my way they would neva of been allowed in the country or any other for that matter !! They belong in the wild the same as dogs did are u sayin that any animal should be let loose? We as humans av a responsiblity to care and protect them but were there is money to be made nothin is safe believe me.
As for the course I took it is nt in pdf ill fone the breeder and ask him were he got the source from I do know of sites that av many questionaires if your interested ill get some snaps tommorrow while he is out playin havoc around the house lol little bundle if fun h was in the dog bowl earlier tryin to muscle his way in on the dog lol
Sorry about that btw, I saw a monkey in a cage n was like WTF n automatically assumed U were one of those ppl that saw a fuzzy animal n was like I WANT IT. Always wanted to handle a falcon u lucky be greatful if U could but no worries if U cant.


Active Member
Sorry about that btw, I saw a monkey in a cage n was like WTF n automatically assumed U were one of those ppl that saw a fuzzy animal n was like I WANT IT. Always wanted to handle a falcon u lucky be greatful if U could but no worries if U cant.
No problem the more thet care the better the world would be a picture can tell a thousand stories tho it behind the scene that counts!! As for birds of prey they too are seriously hard work any1 who tells u diffrent is not a true falconer up at the crack of dawn hunting to keep them fit making sure u dont over feed as to not lose them training cleanin of housing then husbandry its not for every1 but the joy u get from them out weighs the hard work for me ive caught muntjac deer with golden eagles blue hares in scotland with goshawks grouse with peregrine falcons u name it and the thrill it gives you in the chase is better than any buzz u could get from weed or any other drug !! Try takin a deer from a golden eagle is a task on its own lmao


Well-Known Member
Id say you would have to live n breath birds of prey before even thinking about it. Didn't even know ppl used them for hunting till I saw them Arabs n my fuck had they it down to a t


Well-Known Member
a while back I nearly ended up in jail in Salvador.....thank fuk I didn't know about this...ha ha an I was worried about getting raped....(not for the squeamish)
WTF that's nasty shit man never seen owt like that...some folk just ain't right in a BIG way can't even imagine how painful that was.....shiiiit....all that's in my head now tho is that jaimie.t track salvador lol

Forgot what a fookin tune that is...its mad when u hear an old tune an its sounds new again


Well-Known Member
IMG_20140104_193122_992.jpg IMG_20140104_193222_035.jpg

Fuckin wankers man didn't realise they wanna charge u for watching shit on your phone Wtf the fuckin goat legged robbing scum....think I'm gonna phone em up.and say I aint got a tv piss taking wankers arrgggghhh


Well-Known Member
The other was afghan blue but its only on Birmingham cannabis seeds site....Yeh they got some strains from what I've seen I've done the ghost train by them and it was the bollocks mate 1 plant did give me about 20 seeds but the smoke was still bostin


Active Member
Might give em a look wen I get chance that blue ox looks tasty to tbh I ve been lookin at the underground originals orgor which is a cross between liver and exo cheese so I aint a clue atm


Well-Known Member
Picking a strain to grow from seed is hard as fuck when u start lookin, that's why I been stickin to these clones. I've a few seeds lying about tho I wouldn't mind tryin, just never got round to it


Well-Known Member
Haha Yeh that's what happens to me I'll go on looking for a certain strain and then end up checking out another 20 Lol but from all the reviews and that I think its hard to go wrong with rare dankness...orgor aye that's a fresh one to me where does that originate from? I've mainly done from seed a mate of mine can get clones blues apparently but I've tried it and it ain't no blues so just stuck with seeds and my own clones after a one was kind enough to give me a c/o when I was growing haha


Well-Known Member
ok .....the best free seed I ever had.....and I would pay cash money for this again was....afghan kush....dunno the seed bank but coulda bin and 2 stoned to check