UK Cannabis - January 29th - Decriminalization ? .... Cannabis Reclassified


It doesnt surprise me. Cannabis will no longer be an arrest-able offence... to what extent?

The day colarado open their first cannabis shop.... the UK decide to reclassify cannabis.

So what does this mean for my grow in the UK??

Good news any way... 1 step closer to legal weed.

so if its not arrest-able to posses Cannabis...... Will it be arrest-able to posses a canna grow? hmm.. More than likely yes, but will the punishments change?

Thoughts ?


Well-Known Member
dick heads, the lot of them.

can you say baaaa?

i doubt it will ever be legal to grow in your own home, medicinal or recreational.


Any other thoughts on this? Does anyone think that due to the reclassification, the price will drop considerably as mean
I will no longer have to grow my own. I do hope so lol


Well-Known Member
do you not enjoy growing your own cannabis?. i love it and prefer mine to anything i have ever bought.

the price will only ever go up unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
The only reason they are reclassifying from B to C (not decriminalising) is to save the workload for the filth.

Blunkett hasn't outlined anything really other than possession will no longer be an arrest able offence.

However if like me you already have a caution for cultivation and get stopped for possession in the street, once your name gets run though the PNC database and they see cultivation against you too do you honestly think they're not going to come knocking at your home???

We will never be in a decriminalised or medical cannabis country.

There are too many pussy politicians who won't stand up for the green life regardless of whether it would encourage a better economy from sales and taxes etc.

You only have to look how cannabis smokers are portrayed in the press too to see how its always going to be.

I've got money set aside to setup a shop should we ever get to the MMJ policy etc but to be honest its probably just going to be my retirement nest egg.



Well-Known Member
The only reason they are reclassifying from B to C (not decriminalising) is to save the workload for the filth.

Blunkett hasn't outlined anything really other than possession will no longer be an arrest able offence.

However if like me you already have a caution for cultivation and get stopped for possession in the street, once your name gets run though the PNC database and they see cultivation against you too do you honestly think they're not going to come knocking at your home???

We will never be in a decriminalised or medical cannabis country.

There are too many pussy politicians who won't stand up for the green life regardless of whether it would encourage a better economy from sales and taxes etc.

You only have to look how cannabis smokers are portrayed in the press too to see how its always going to be.

I've got money set aside to setup a shop should we ever get to the MMJ policy etc but to be honest its probably just going to be my retirement nest egg.

About 12 years ago Cannabis was downgraded from a B to a C
but there was a bit of an outcry....they couldn't put it back to a B (that would be u-turning and make the government look weak and indecisive)
So they increased the penalties for C drugs to the same has it had been for B drugs.
(Everything remained the same except the name of the categorisation)
So utterly pointless!

Then, a few years later. cannabis was returned to a Class B status drug.

And, now, they're talking about making it a C status, again.
This isn't u-turning, it's worse
It's merry-go-rounding !

Drug legislation is one of those political 'hot potato's' that politicians try to avoid,
That's why they pay millions for experts to run enquiries - then completely ignore the inquiries findings and recommendations.

Before entering the unholy alliance with the Tories (anything for some real powers!) the Lib Dems advocated the de-politicizing of the drugs legislation issue, by means of a Royal Inquiry and a pre-inquiry agreement to follow it's recommendations (similar to how the government gave the Bank of England the right - and responsibility) to set the interest rates).
As soon as they achieved power the Lib Dems stopped talking about it.

But David Cameron has repeatedly stated that his government are winning the drugs war and there will be no surrender or retreat.
(He uses the data that shows drug use has stopped increasing to demonstrate 'winning the drugs war' but every expert in the fields of substance misuse and policing state that drug use has stopped increasing because we have reached saturation point. Usage has reached a plateau due to constant and consistent supply).


Blind David Blunkett?
He hasn't been Home Secretary for a decade.
He was sacked by Blair for sleeping with a married American woman.

The one we have now is Theresa May.
A right wing, 'back to basics' family values fucking hypocrite.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Since when did Blunkett have any authority over anything? Labour got booted out quite a while back. Those news stories, erm, well it seems that they are a decade old, at least that's what i am getting by the statements like "The Home Office said the legislation would be in place by July 2003."


do you not enjoy growing your own cannabis?. i love it and prefer mine to anything i have ever bought.

the price will only ever go up unfortunately.
To be honest, I love growing my own Cannabis but I am always worried about being caught. My wife hates the stuff and I am concerned that if I get raided, she will be in trouble too.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I love growing my own Cannabis but I am always worried about being caught. My wife hates the stuff and I am concerned that if I get raided, she will be in trouble too.
Take it from me having been busted in Feb 2012.

I grow 4 plants and they came knocking with a search warrant.

So I showed them exactly where my grow was.

During interview I was asked whether I sell any, whether I share any with friends and whether my wife partakes.

The answer to each question was NO I DO NOT.

The only slight issue for me with the whole process was that because a child was in the house, social services were called.

They arranged an appointment with me to check I wasn't living in a crack den lol.

Once I showed them my dismantled grow they were happy.

The arrest and search took approx 3 hours until I was back at home enjoying a spliff.

Then about 7 days later social services came to look around.



Take it from me having been busted in Feb 2012.

I grow 4 plants and they came knocking with a search warrant.

So I showed them exactly where my grow was.

During interview I was asked whether I sell any, whether I share any with friends and whether my wife partakes.

The answer to each question was NO I DO NOT.

The only slight issue for me with the whole process was that because a child was in the house, social services were called.

They arranged an appointment with me to check I wasn't living in a crack den lol.

Once I showed them my dismantled grow they were happy.

The arrest and search took approx 3 hours until I was back at home enjoying a spliff.

Then about 7 days later social services came to look around.

May I ask, why were you busted? What was their evidence in securing a warrant? Thanks mate


Well-Known Member
May I ask, why were you busted? What was their evidence in securing a warrant? Thanks mate
Their warrant was based on info from the public.

Another grower grassed up a few people to try and get himself off.

I was on his list.



Well-Known Member
He went down for 18 months for 12 plants.

But admitted he was going to sell it.

Him grassing didn't help him one bit.



Well-Known Member
Since when did Blunkett have any authority over anything? Labour got booted out quite a while back. Those news stories, erm, well it seems that they are a decade old, at least that's what i am getting by the statements like "The Home Office said the legislation would be in place by July 2003."
LOL glad you noticed this too, i was starting to wonder if i was incredibly high of if history was repeating itself
OP seems to have got his dates mixed up this event happened over 10 years ago,
and they changed it back to B since then :(


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
LOL glad you noticed this too, i was starting to wonder if i was incredibly high of if history was repeating itself
OP seems to have got his dates mixed up this event happened over 10 years ago,
and they changed it back to B since then :(

Things like this generally get put on the news, not just a forum. So I figured something was off, but then I also read past the headline..


Oh wow I didn't realise what a pointless post I made lol...

I didn't realise the date on the top of the article states the current date and not the date of article.. pretty stupid system tbh... My bad sry

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