$15 Minimum Wage Passes In SeaTac Washington


New Member
SEATAC — As supporters of a $15 minimum wage for workers in and around Seattle-Tacoma International Airport declared victory Tuesday, opponents made clear the fight is far from over.

Common Sense SeaTac, a business-backed political committee opposed to SeaTac Proposition 1’s $15 minimum wage, said it will ask for a recount by hand to ensure “the most accurate possible” results.
The announcement came on the same day the King County Canvassing Board ruled that Proposition 1 officially won by 77 votes out of 6,003.

Personally, I'm loving this little progressive socialist experiment.


Local businesses will have to lay off workers, cut back hours, or worse yet, be forced to close.
Any future commercial development will grind to a halt.
Businesses that initially survive, won't be able to compete with companies in surrounding towns and cities.

And when it all fails, which it will, it will never be the fault of the lefts looney pie in the sky politics.
SEATAC — As supporters of a $15 minimum wage for workers in and around Seattle-Tacoma International Airport declared victory Tuesday, opponents made clear the fight is far from over.

Common Sense SeaTac, a business-backed political committee opposed to SeaTac Proposition 1’s $15 minimum wage, said it will ask for a recount by hand to ensure “the most accurate possible” results.
The announcement came on the same day the King County Canvassing Board ruled that Proposition 1 officially won by 77 votes out of 6,003.

Personally, I'm loving this little progressive socialist experiment.


Local businesses will have to lay off workers, cut back hours, or worse yet, be forced to close.
Any future commercial development will grind to a halt.
Businesses that initially survive, won't be able to compete with companies in surrounding towns and cities.

And when it all fails, which it will, it will never be the fault of the lefts looney pie in the sky politics.

kinda like when colorado went legal and there was NO mass hysteria/looting/shootouts in the street/the cartels take over..just peaceful people braving a massive winter storm politely in line..with dispensary's grossing 1M.

i want to thank the repulicunt governor who got it done!:lol:
I can't comment on this area, but yeah, minimum wages do create issues. Where i live in the UK, it's bloody difficult to get yourself a shop job or cafe job etc. The employers just go with the under 18's as minimum wage for them is £3.72 as opposed to £6.31 for someone like myself. Due to the financial squeezes, a lot of small businesses have opted to stop offering jobs at all and are instead just offering completely useless apprenticeships, even for something like working in a coffee shop or in a grocery store, so they can pay even less, regardless of age.
I can't comment on this area, but yeah, minimum wages do create issues. Where i live in the UK, it's bloody difficult to get yourself a shop job or cafe job etc. The employers just go with the under 18's as minimum wage for them is £3.72 as opposed to £6.31 for someone like myself. Due to the financial squeezes, a lot of small businesses have opted to stop offering jobs at all and are instead just offering completely useless apprenticeships, even for something like working in a coffee shop or in a grocery store, so they can pay even less, regardless of age.

That is the side effect that liberals keep saying never happens.

Wages are forced to go up to an arbitrary number with no concern for actual economic realities and jobs disappear or are much harder to get. And it is insidious because it is hard to show someone a job that was not created.
That sound you hear are the businesses packing up to move out.

Edit: I kept my business out of Detroit because of the taxes. My husband left his in Detroit I haven't ever figured out why.
Meh 50/50 split on this. Only large chains should give a pay bump. Was watching a documentary on fast food chains. Apparently when you make like a thousand percent profit you can afford to up everyone's pay to a somewhat acceptable pay grade without it damaging your profits in the slightest. Like the higher ups at mcdonalds making a 200% profit, yeah..definitely can afford it.

On the other hand smaller chains and businesses can't. So the downside as someone mentioned will be less hours, less employees.

And on the other side, most minimum wage jobs are skill-less, labor-less jobs that a monkey can do. But at the end of the day we still rely on them. I go to a restaurant because im too lazy to cook, I go through a drive through because I want it made and I want it fast. So them living paycheck to paycheck kinda sucks. Definitely a double-edged sword situation. But there's no excuse for large cooperations who relies on their workers to not pay them a bit higher than the amount of profits they make wouldn't affect them.
A court has already stepped in and said the town didn't have the authority to pass this law.

You are omitting details, not that the OP had them in the first place.

In a Dec. 27 ruling, a judge struck down Seatac’s voter-passed $15-an-hour minimum wage for airport workers, but upheld it for hotel and transportation workers outside the airport.
The Yes for SeaTac campaign — the coalition of unions, community groups, and churches that crafted the initiative — filed an expedited appeal Dec. 31 to the Washington Supreme Court. For now, about 1,600 hotel and parking lot workers who work within the City of Seatac get raises to $15 an hour, but an estimated 4,700 baggage handlers, car rental workers, and others who work in the airport itself will have to wait for the results of a legal appeal.
You are omitting details, not that the OP had them in the first place.

In a Dec. 27 ruling, a judge struck down Seatac’s voter-passed $15-an-hour minimum wage for airport workers, but upheld it for hotel and transportation workers outside the airport.
The Yes for SeaTac campaign — the coalition of unions, community groups, and churches that crafted the initiative — filed an expedited appeal Dec. 31 to the Washington Supreme Court. For now, about 1,600 hotel and parking lot workers who work within the City of Seatac get raises to $15 an hour, but an estimated 4,700 baggage handlers, car rental workers, and others who work in the airport itself will have to wait for the results of a legal appeal.

My point was that the experiment is off. Most of the workers won't be paid $15 an hour.
Absolutely not. A court found that the city had no authority to enforce this law over the airport, which is where the vast majority of the workers are.

ya know how they instruct you to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth?

that's because a lie of omission is still a lie, kiddo.
Absolutely not. A court found that the city had no authority to enforce this law over the airport, which is where the vast majority of the workers are.

What's the devry reference? I thought you went to one of the ivies.
What's the devry reference? I thought you went to one of the ivies.

flaming pie originally posited that his intellect was more on par with devryU. i have been using it ever since, because it fits so well.

i also have the theory that tokeprep is bignbushy's little bruvva.

last time i predicted brothers on the forum, i was right (deprave was lifegoesonbrah's big bruvva).
If these were such high demanding skilled jobs, they would have those wages. We need to let the market work itself out and not having the government intervene when "life isn't fair."
ya know how they instruct you to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth?

that's because a lie of omission is still a lie, kiddo.

A key difference between us is that I see a forum as a place to have a conversation. I didn't know the details, I'd just heard that a court had stepped in and said the town lacked authority. That's what I posted, since no one else had mentioned it. Someone else posted a story with more details.