I wish I could but I live in a apartment
Apartments are hard to grow in because you got so many people up your ass. Not really, but you know what I mean.
Honestly, if I was in your situation, I would get a 6 inch inline fan and filter with a speed controller, just dial the fan down to medium or low and it will be nearly silent. Your best bet also, is to use led lights. Shell out the cash for quality efficient led lamps. It may be expensive at first, but if the going price for a ounce so 250, let's say you spend 2k for startup you will need to grow 8 ounces to pay back yourself. That's two grows at the most.. Some people get that in one grow. So just remember whatever you put in, instead of buying weed it will be saving u that. Once your done with saving the startup costs then it's pure profit..