My first grow guys!


Well-Known Member
they look great .
3 weeks sounds like a long time
to me but that's cuz i only veg
3 to 4 weeks
Yeah Matt hopefully it doesn't go out lol I can get a generator that would run my whole house though lol. And thanks tito, after I typed that I thought three weeks was a bit too long too, but I got little guy in there I would like him to get a little bigger first because I don't have another place to veg just one tent lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah Matt hopefully it doesn't go out lol I can get a generator that would run my whole house though lol. And thanks tito, after I typed that I thought three weeks was a bit too long too, but I got little guy in there I would like him to get a little bigger first because I don't have another place to veg just one tent lol
So I think I almost over watered. I checked the soil it was dry on top but it was wet down a little further... I should hold off on water for a sec right?


Yeh I guessed at your setup and saw the little plant there, although an option is to go by a $10 lamp from walmart and just stick your small plant under that in a makeshift cardboard sealed box in the corner of your tent, or plastic box, if you can bother with that its also a good way to dry but while you continue to use your grow space, the only reason im not going to do that as well as have plants in my grow room is cause the humidity is to high which isn't good for drying bud


Well-Known Member
MATT-jesus how high is the humidity in your tent? i like to dry my bud at around 48-52 at 65 degrees or so. My drying room is a tad drier then that so i run a humidifier on a timer set for 15min an hour.

just wondering if your humidity is higher then 55%


Well-Known Member
Yeh I guessed at your setup and saw the little plant there, although an option is to go by a $10 lamp from walmart and just stick your small plant under that in a makeshift cardboard sealed box in the corner of your tent, or plastic box, if you can bother with that its also a good way to dry but while you continue to use your grow space, the only reason im not going to do that as well as have plants in my grow room is cause the humidity is to high which isn't good for drying bud
I might do that box idea


Well-Known Member
let me read the whole thread so i can see your whole setup 1st before i see if i have any advice that is helpful...5minutes.

ok just wanted to see your medium lighting etc see if i had anything relevant from exp. Not that i am any great grower, the few people i bless and myself sure enjoy it though.

your running soil and while i currently run coco/perlite i do have 4-5 soil harvests under my belt. Watering in soil i always just do the 1st and easiest thing i was taught which is to fill a container with dry medium and pick it up so you get a feel for weight.

then fully water and do the same thing that way you can get a feel for it literally.

also if you are worried about your dry and cure i myself just started using these boveda 62's that are made for curing buds.

about 1 dollar a piece and they are good for about a zip a far i have been using them over a month and my stuff taste better then ever.


Well-Known Member
Well the damn power went out I knew this was gonna happen....

Edit that, it only went out for 45 minutes or so do you think I can stay on regular light cycle or do I need to keep on 24/0 now
45 mins will slow it down for a couple days but don't switch back...that'll only up the chances of a hermie due to stress. Back in the day I had a buddy who reset my timer to run full 24 hours 4 weeks into flower (coulda killed him when I found out 2 days later (better to just make sure everythings set before a trip) and all I did was set em back to 12/12 and after a week they sprang right back. 45 mins shouldn't hurt too bad...maybe a day or two of slowed growth.


You obviously missed a post, we were talking about his smaller plant that he just put in and wanting to switch to flower in the next week or two rather than vegging out for another 3 weeks, but as he just put that plant in and has no other grow space I was suggesting a solution of using a box that was light sealed with a small cfl lamp and although I didn't mention it a little computer fan in the side to grow the smaller plant a bit bigger and then move it out into the tent into the 12/12 light cycle.

I didn't realize you cured so high, I always figured a lower cure temp prevented mold and was better for the dry, for example you can use a dehumidifier (like you use for drying fruit) to quick dry the trim over 2 hours, then you can run it through bho for extracts. Not saying that is the best way just something I saw a guy did to dispose of the trim quickly, 2hours in then 24hours in freezer then he ran it (it seemed like a decent idea as I can't have boxes of trim sitting round).

Dont nut worry about the 45 mins cdd and no need to change light cycle, if it was for a day or more I would recommend a 24 hour light cycle for a week but such a short drop out will not cause to many issues. Growth should not be affected to much.


My humidity is perfect most of the time 40-50% so it will be fine to dry in there.

read the plant cdd, if you see them drooping hold off on water till dried out, and like he said just generally check weight! cause often it is dry on top from the light but underneath the soil can still be moist! In your size pots it's really easy to tell as they will be so light when dry.

Going to garden shop when I wake up, going to buy some stakes, chicken wire, 50 gallon pots and soil. Time to transplant and move outside in three days time, got to go set up the area and probably lay some snail bait, bug paper etc. Will set up the soil and pots in grow spot then take the small pots over there, easier to have it all there and just transplant rather than carry big pots full of soil.


Well-Known Member
okay well here they are after the power came back on. then the damn power went back off for like 5 minutes arghhhhhhhhhhh haha

162014 001.jpg162014 002.jpg162014 003.jpg162014 004.jpg162014 005.jpg


Your plants are looking at about the same stage as mine, have you been feeding nutes still or eased off? I am yet to add any, thinking will transplant with some water beads and give them a few plain waters, its summer here so going to have to water every few days probably to start with.

I really need to move them outside tomorrow or the next day. Set up the wiring and posting today, put the soil and pots over there, just need to take the little pots over and transplant, they are really starting to smell now but just watered yesterday so waiting till they are dried out a little.



Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking at about the same stage as mine, have you been feeding nutes still or eased off? I am yet to add any, thinking will transplant with some water beads and give them a few plain waters, its summer here so going to have to water every few days probably to start with.

I really need to move them outside tomorrow or the next day. Set up the wiring and posting today, put the soil and pots over there, just need to take the little pots over and transplant, they are really starting to smell now but just watered yesterday so waiting till they are dried out a little.
And yeah I have fed them 3 ml of roots organic Buddha grow, amino aide, cal mag, and trinity. But I plain watered them last time. The pH of the kerala runoff was 5.8 so I added some lime to the soil, it is looking better